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Penny macro contest - revisited

Posted 13/04/2014 - 21:27 Link
Once again the mighty little m50 1.7 shows its quality.
Little over-exposed Chris, but nice and sharp
Posted 14/04/2014 - 21:10 Link
2nd attempt, done quickly, as you get closer it gets more difficult with focus and stopping the whole shebang waggling about, especially on the wooden floor, I'll do it on something solid next time. Might be lucky with a wider angle lens on ebay if the bids come off. Cost of lens assembly roughly 80 + 14 + 15 + 20 + 1 (tape), £130ish. Not going to win sharpest, or biggest, still it's fun trying. No macro lenses were used in the creation of this image.

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DA35mm f2.4 reversed wide open, Soligor 200mm f11, Jessop 2X Ricoh TC, 68mm extension tubes. Lighting, Sunwayman C10A murky green tint middle brightness stuck on a cardboard tape roll.
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Lurking is shirking.!
Edited by dougf8: 14/04/2014 - 21:14
Posted 14/04/2014 - 21:16 Link
ah ha, getting the magnification now
Try stopping it down less. Faster shutter and less chance of diffraction softness.
Posted 14/04/2014 - 21:21 Link
Darkmunk wrote:
ah ha, getting the magnification now
Try stopping it down less. Faster shutter and less chance of diffraction softness.


And taking beta-blockers, doing some exercise to allow shooting between heart beats, having a 3D macro rail, setting up the axial lighting Nass mentioned, and not being so thick as to wonder why there's no timer MUP with liveview!!!!!
Lurking is shirking.!
Posted 15/04/2014 - 15:11 Link
Total 'hats-off' to Daniel for the much easier set up on the windowsill
Here's my camping setup but with all my extension tubes. No aperture control on 300 so wide open.
No macro lenses, but some expensive glass in there, so not many points for ingenuity. translucent white perspex in sunny window for bright defused light.
3 second exposure.
Looks like the whole shebang could have been straightened up better
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Posted 15/04/2014 - 15:58 Link
This is getting silly now
I wonder if I can borrow next door's telescope?
Posted 22/04/2014 - 10:22 Link
Not so much a competition entry, just seeing what the WG-10 can do in 1cm macro mode. The built in LED's give insufficient light so had to tilt the camera slightly to allow some light to get onto the subject. I think it's ok for a "free" camera. Image has been resized only.

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Haven't tried the WG-10 underwater yet

Posted 29/08/2014 - 14:52 Link
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Here is another go, Pentax K3, Pentax M bellows, Vivitar extension tubes SMC Pentax-M 28mm F2.8 reversed.

Not as sharp as the 50mm F1.7 but greater mag.

Pentax K1ii, K3, K-m & MX-1.
Pentax LX, MX, ME Super & MV.
"Old Skool" with the new!
Posted 29/08/2014 - 18:46 Link
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Same set up but used Flu Card to control K3

Pentax K1ii, K3, K-m & MX-1.
Pentax LX, MX, ME Super & MV.
"Old Skool" with the new!
Posted 15/09/2014 - 21:45 Link
Just come across this challenge - great idea and I've had to go and have a quick first go! I've tried to stick to Pentax parts where possible too...
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2.5 s exposure, K-5, uncropped.

Here's the setup:

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From the bottom up:

- A C. Baker 10 x achromat microscope objective (= 16 mm focal length), working distance ~ 2-3 mm. No aperture, so wide open. Came as part of a £50 microscope, so say £5?
- A Pentax Adapter K for microscope lens (can't remember where that came from).
- A Female K-mount, bodged from a donor teleconverter and used to replace the original M42 mount on:
- Pentax Auto Bellows, M42 mount. £18 (had been horribly abused in a past life).
- T2 adapter to PK, attached to what's left of the original bellows M42 mount.

Light source is a stereo microscope lamp (free, recovered from skip), with light softened by bouncing off 1 sheet toilet paper.

Shutter triggered with a Pentax IR remote in mirror-up mode.

Camera operator perched carefully on a chair to minimise changes in foot pressure giving rise to tripod movement via carpet.

My next attempt will be as above, but with a 40 x microscope objective (4 mm focal length) - working distance will be < 1 mm so lighting is going to be an issue ...

Posted 15/09/2014 - 21:52 Link
Ha ha, excellent stuff, love it
Looking forward to seeing the next one
Posted 15/09/2014 - 22:08 Link
What amazes me it the amount of surface "damage and deposits" on the coins goodness knows what some of it is

Posted 11/02/2021 - 18:45 Link
Anyone fancy having another go at this thread while we are in lockdown?
Posted 11/02/2021 - 19:40 Link
It's good fun; I can recommend it.
Bit like shooting the moon: everyone's done it, but that's what makes it challenging and good for comparisons.
I've fixed my links as I moved my website a few years ago.
Posted 11/02/2021 - 20:29 Link
Well, seeing as how:
a) earlier this week I ordered some coupling rings and other bits and pieces to see how much usable magnification could be squeezed out of the lens collection; and
b) since placing the order I've been wondering what to use for the first subject...
... it would be perverse to refuse this invitation.


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