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Penny macro contest - revisited

Posted 06/04/2014 - 16:07 Link
Not very nice outside this afternoon, so here's my go at it!

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Pentax Auto Bellows M, 150mm ext.

Kenko P/AF 2x tele converter MC7.

Extension tubes, 65mm.

100mm D FA Macro (Sorry....)

Focused in live view, using the focus stage of the bellows set.

Unable to stop down from f2.8 because of the bellows, lack of connectivity. (Any ideas, anybody.....?)

(No image of set-up I'm afraid, my Optio S5i has given up the ghost!)

The more I look, the more there is to see!
Edited by coker: 06/04/2014 - 16:09
Posted 06/04/2014 - 16:13 Link
If it's a DFA just set the Aperture on the lens?
Manual mode and green button for exposure?

You've managed to turn it inside out! Looking at it on a phone screen anyway.
Lurking is shirking.!
Edited by dougf8: 06/04/2014 - 16:15
Posted 06/04/2014 - 16:57 Link

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Same set-up as before, but with the 100macro replaced with a SMC M 50mm f1.7 reversed.

1 minute @ f11.

Yes, I noticed that, Doug, & it's done it again! I did turn the image up the other way in Elements 11, it was held in the clothes-peg upside-down when I took it!
I think, for some reason, it's the same as on that edition of QI on the telly....
with a vacuum-formed model of Einstein's face . When revolved, it looked the same in positive relief as negative...


Thanks for the tip re green button, I'll try it next time.

The more I look, the more there is to see!
Posted 06/04/2014 - 20:29 Link
coker wrote:
Yes, I noticed that, Doug, & it's done it again! I did turn the image up the other way in Elements 11, it was held in the clothes-peg upside-down when I took it!
I think, for some reason, it's the same as on that edition of QI on the telly....
with a vacuum-formed model of Einstein's face . When revolved, it looked the same in positive relief as negative...


Just imagine that happening with wedding photos..... Inside out faces
Lurking is shirking.!
Posted 06/04/2014 - 21:38 Link
Oh, yes.......

Hadn't thought of that.

Be great, wouldn't it!

I feel a patent coming on!

The more I look, the more there is to see!
Posted 07/04/2014 - 10:34 Link
Nice work Roger
Think I prefer the first one. It looked inside out to me too at first then my eyes adjusted and now I only see the letters raised as they should be.
However, I'm always impressed by the m50 1.7 - that is one hell of a piece of glass. The stuff I have put mine through and it still manages to resolve fine detail even when only 1/30th of the image circle is being utilised for the 16mp image.
I would be interested to discover if it is actually a high-resolving lens in the real world, or whether I just work better with it.
Daniel Bridge
Posted 09/04/2014 - 01:01 Link
Oh dear Mark, what have you (re)started?? I may just have to see what I can do...

Might have to get my bellows back off NeilP!

Hmmm, just been having a quick play, and have been looking at an image width of 4 pixels on my monitor. As in, pointing the camera/lenses combo at my monitor, and seeing 4 individual pixels through the viewfinder. And that was without any extension tubes...

K-3, a macro lens and a DA*300mm...
Posted 09/04/2014 - 08:28 Link
Ha ha, Can't wait
3 individual pixels on my screen seems to be about 3/4 mm. That would be about the same as your first winning attempt... You'll have to do better than that
Posted 09/04/2014 - 09:34 Link
Shall we include the price of the kit stuck on the front of the cameras?

There can be a skinflint per pixel prize. As well as overall size and sharpness winner.
Lurking is shirking.!
Posted 09/04/2014 - 10:53 Link
Doug, this is 50 percent about skinflint per pixel
Luckily, extreme macro usually utilises obsolete glass and tubes costing next to nothing
Daniel Bridge
Posted 09/04/2014 - 13:48 Link
Yeah, I didn't get as close as I did last time, had a go this morning, will post result later. Better quality though. But that might mean that I lose out on the skinflint prize, I was using my DA*300 with the 16-45 reversed on the front, with a few extension tubes. Started off using the Sigma 10-20 reversed, but results, although higher magnification, were worse quality. Live view made it so much easier than last time, but it still took an age to get it lined up and focused.

K-3, a macro lens and a DA*300mm...
Daniel Bridge
Posted 09/04/2014 - 19:39 Link
Right, here's mine, seems to be missing the 'I' that everyone else has.

K-3 with 3 extension tubes, DA*300mm + reversed 16-45 @ 16mm. Close, but not very sharp...

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1.5s, f/11, ISO100

And the set-up I used.

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That's it, not trying it again! Moving house soon, and I've got stuff to do!

K-3, a macro lens and a DA*300mm...
Posted 10/04/2014 - 15:26 Link
I tried this with my K-30 and :-
1. KAX Macro Teleplus MC7 1:1 macro
2. A de-glassed Hanimex 2X Teleconverter (approx 26mm)
3. Set of 3 Paragon 68mm extension tubes (36mm/20mm/12mm)
4. Pentax M 50mm 1.7
5. onboard flash triggering a Jessops 360 flash unit

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Edited by jamieallan: 10/04/2014 - 15:26
Posted 11/04/2014 - 16:52 Link
Cracking stuff guys.
I was away camping, and had the tiniest inkling through intermittent data signal, that it was all kicking off over here
So, without actually being able to see what you'd done, I hastily grabbed the 300 and 12-24, tied the aperture open on the 12-24 and pointed it at a penny on my car bonnet
My battery was running out so I had to go old-skool and use the view finder!
Sunlight was too strong and made the penny sparkle again...
is it ever right?
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Posted 13/04/2014 - 18:14 Link
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Here is my effort, Pentax K-r, Pentax M bellows, Vivitar extension tubes SMC Pentax-M 50mm F1.7.

Pentax K1ii, K3, K-m & MX-1.
Pentax LX, MX, ME Super & MV.
"Old Skool" with the new!

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