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Penny macro contest - revisited

Posted 29/03/2014 - 19:48 Link
Awesome guys!
Ha ha, Geourdie01 that is so ridiculous! you definitely take the lead so far even if the image was a bid lame, but it's actually pretty reasonable! bit of grit about it too, I like
GlynM, very controlled, very nice image, I like the colours and it still looks pretty new compared to my ancient example
tyronet2000 - smoooth! what was the set-up?
Posted 29/03/2014 - 20:22 Link
I think I used a K7 mounted on one of those "photomate" things and 50mm lens and extension tubes with the subject on an outside work bench in good light. Did get a M42 Pentax bellows but couldn't get the lens on it so sent them back

Posted 29/03/2014 - 21:51 Link
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K5, 68mm extension tubes, Vivitar 135mm CF (with fungus), Marumi +10 Apochromatic Dioptre, Sigma EF500 Super, cheap cable, cheaper diffuser, plenty of bananas and buttons. Remote mirror lock up, Rawtherapee, resize in Picasa.
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I want one of those macro focus jobbies. It was nigh on impossible with this set up.
Lurking is shirking.!
Edited by dougf8: 29/03/2014 - 21:54
Posted 29/03/2014 - 21:56 Link
The bananas are possibly rather spurious.
Posted 29/03/2014 - 21:59 Link
DrOrloff wrote:
The bananas are possibly rather spurious.

Help reduce blood pressure allowing a greater chance of taking the picture between heart beats,

They counteract the buttons silly.
Lurking is shirking.!
Posted 29/03/2014 - 22:10 Link
But they are all uneaten, unless observing bananas reduces blood pressure.
Posted 29/03/2014 - 22:11 Link
Bananas are bad news if you are diabetic, too much sugar apparently

Edited by tyronet2000: 29/03/2014 - 22:12
Posted 29/03/2014 - 22:12 Link
DrOrloff wrote:
But they are all uneaten, unless observing bananas reduces blood pressure.

I've eaten all the ripe ones, constipation doesn't help the macro work.
Lurking is shirking.!
Posted 30/03/2014 - 14:31 Link
When looking at your image Doug the letters sometimes look concave, blink and they look as they should. An optical illusion caused by the slight shadows perhaps ? Or am I going bananas

Posted 30/03/2014 - 16:42 Link
Stan, the whole rig was bending with the weight and I had "cleaned" (aka spread/moved dust over) the sensor so that's probably bent too. Then there's the penny and photographer to consider ....
Lurking is shirking.!
Posted 30/03/2014 - 17:19 Link
dougf8 wrote:
Stan, the whole rig was bending with the weight and I had "cleaned" (aka spread/moved dust over) the sensor so that's probably bent too. Then there's the penny and photographer to consider ....

Wonder if pentax will fit a little rug at the end of the sensor for sweeping the dust under

Posted 30/03/2014 - 17:59 Link
geordie01 wrote:
Had a quick go at this but the light was no good so tried to light it with the light on my phone
Any way from camera moving forward I have K30/KENKO 1.5X/KENKO 2.0X CONVERTERS/3X SETS EXTENSION TUBES/PENTAX A50mm F1.7@F16 10s exposure 12 sec delay to try and counter the wobble! Live view focus peaking.
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might have another go when I have a bit more time and better light.

I wonder if it would be worth reversing an m50mm1.7 on the end of this
Posted 03/04/2014 - 12:20 Link
Not sure how this fits into the 'rules' but just out of interest here's a version with the Q, which is a bit like cropping (cheating)
The only lens able to resolve the detail onto that tiny sensor was the 100mm macro on about 100mm of extension tubes.
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Posted 03/04/2014 - 13:58 Link
hmmm. I've been looking for an excuse to try out axial lighting...
... just another middle-aged guy with a hobby. I have an extreme macro learning site at - Pentax-centric, your feedback and comments would be appreciated!
Posted 03/04/2014 - 14:42 Link
I was thinking about having a go at this...though probably with French money....until Nass said he might have a go.....
This space deliberately left blank.

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