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Info regarding Sigma lenses on a K1

Posted 11/05/2016 - 14:21 Link
Just spotted this on a different forum. Sorry if it's already known.

Posted 11/05/2016 - 17:27 Link
Jeez, thanks for the warning! I have been using the Sigma 150-500mm which is listed as scratching the body on a K-1 and just checked, but it looks ok thank goodness.
Edited by RobL: 11/05/2016 - 17:27
Posted 11/05/2016 - 18:01 Link
RobL wrote:
Jeez, thanks for the warning! I have been using the Sigma 150-500mm which is listed as scratching the body on a K-1 and just checked, but it looks ok thank goodness.

I've not noticed any issues with mine either. Seems to work quite well with the K-1.
John K
Edited by JAK: 11/05/2016 - 18:02
Posted 11/05/2016 - 18:07 Link
I wonder what the 'repair' service is that Sigma refers to - modifying the lenses or patching up scratched bodies?
Posted 11/05/2016 - 19:07 Link
Thanks for posting this. I have just checked my 70-200, which I think is one of the lenses listed (it's the OS HSM version but I don't see a 'II' on it?). The clearance between the lens and the base of the viewfinder housing is very tight, less than 1mm, but it does not actually make contact. I think it could rub when mounting the lens if care is not taken with alignment.
Regards, Philip
Edited by smudge: 11/05/2016 - 19:08
Posted 11/05/2016 - 19:10 Link
RobL wrote:
I wonder what the 'repair' service is that Sigma refers to - modifying the lenses or patching up scratched bodies?

Send a needle file in the post so we can make a neat groove in the housing to save the lens doing the hard work? While waiting to see what Sigma come up with I may just stick a small strip of masking tape on the base of the housing to protect it.
Regards, Philip
Edited by smudge: 11/05/2016 - 19:15
Posted 11/05/2016 - 20:52 Link
Major Bo!Bo! by Pentax They should remember that Contax users jumped ship because their expensive MF lenses wouldn't fit the new AF body.

Only solution recall the K-1's and release a K-2 quickly. You can't sell a body that won't work with Sigma lenses. Canikon folk will be clapping their hands.

Sigma have boobed as well they should have rubbed it in that Pentax had let their existing Sigma lens owners down.

Lenses like the Bigma and 150-500mm were available to test on the K-1..... Seems nobody bothered.

I wouldn't be concerned about a small scratch but the lens could act as a crowbar and flex the magnesium body or pull the mount off.


Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Posted 11/05/2016 - 21:12 Link
Algernon wrote:
Major Bo!Bo! by Pentax They should remember that Contax users jumped ship because their expensive MF lenses wouldn't fit the new AF body.

Only solution recall the K-1's and release a K-2 quickly. You can't sell a body that won't work with Sigma lenses. Canikon folk will be clapping their hands.

Sigma have boobed as well they should have rubbed it in that Pentax had let their existing Sigma lens owners down.

Lenses like the Bigma and 150-500mm were available to test on the K-1..... Seems nobody bothered.

I wouldn't be concerned about a small scratch but the lens could act as a crowbar and flex the magnesium body or pull the mount off.



Algernon wrote:
Major Bo!Bo! by Pentax They should remember that Contax users jumped ship because their expensive MF lenses wouldn't fit the new AF body.

Only solution recall the K-1's and release a K-2 quickly. You can't sell a body that won't work with Sigma lenses. Canikon folk will be clapping their hands.

Sigma have boobed as well they should have rubbed it in that Pentax had let their existing Sigma lens owners down.

Lenses like the Bigma and 150-500mm were available to test on the K-1..... Seems nobody bothered.

I wouldn't be concerned about a small scratch but the lens could act as a crowbar and flex the magnesium body or pull the mount off.



sigma are a bunch of two faced buracratic swines any way if they was not so intrested in making it hard for pk users to get lenses they would make a lot mor money than they are now
Posted 11/05/2016 - 21:41 Link
Anyone tried a Tamron?
Posted 11/05/2016 - 22:49 Link
I only have one Tamron, the 10-24, and that's fine. A bigger lens like the 70-200 would be interesting to try. The Samyang 85mm is also fine, and that's a fairly beefy lens.
Regards, Philip
Edited by smudge: 11/05/2016 - 22:55
Posted 11/05/2016 - 23:37 Link
The only lens I nearly boo-boo'd on trying them out was an old K/R mount telephoto. Just stopped in time! Not had any problems with lenses not fitting otherwise. I suppose even that K/R one would have fitted... but possibly permanently!
John K
Posted 12/05/2016 - 11:38 Link
For what it is worth here is the 'quick and dirty' fix I have carried out to hopefully reduce the problem. I used a bit of electrical insulation tape, rather crudely cut with a pair of kitchen scissors, as you can see

The close up shows the mark on the tape where the 70-200 rubs when being mounted.

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Regards, Philip
Posted 12/05/2016 - 12:07 Link
Couldn't you stick the tape on the lens instead?

Possibly worth rubbing a small amount of Mr Sheen on the other component using a cloth. The silicone polish should reduce any friction. Don't spread it too far though and polish it off almost completely.

It works great on curtain rails

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Posted 12/05/2016 - 12:22 Link
It would be a lot trickier to put the tape on the lens because it would have to cover the arc between entry point and locking point, so a longish and extremely narrow strip of tape would be needed. Might be possible though.
Regards, Philip
Posted 13/05/2016 - 09:42 Link
Has any one tried the non HSM version of the Sigma 24 70 f2.8 on the K-1?

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