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What Knowledge Level Do You Have?

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Posted 22/12/2009 - 15:04 Link
An important point was raised in the discussion on SD cards, that some users here are relative beginners and some are advanced, with all point in between no doubt.

There is lots of good advice given, but good advice depends on the user's level as well. For example, no point suggesting a complex RAW converter to someone who wants print-ready images to print off at Jessops.

I do quite a few workshops for beginners in particular and it can be quite surprising what people don't know and easy to pitch at too high a level.

So the question here is for my own (and anyone else's) curiosity. What levels of expertise are we at and in what proportions of those who are here? Don't be shy with pitching yourself where you think you are! I realise the levels I've chosen are very subjective, but let's see where it goes.
Best regards, John
Posted 22/12/2009 - 15:12 Link
Soul searching stuff, John!
Posted 22/12/2009 - 15:34 Link
I've answered fairly well informed, my photos probably belong in a lower class than that, but I've always been something of a geek so my general knowledge is pretty good even if my own execution of the techniques leaves something to be desired!
Posted 22/12/2009 - 15:45 Link
I'm your beginner - may have used a P&S for years but really knew nothing at all . Now slowly absorbing info from you all.
let the education continue

proud owner of a couple of cameras and a few bits and bobs
Father Ted
Posted 22/12/2009 - 15:45 Link
Difficult not to bring false modesty...or pride, into it.
I hope I've chosen right, I picked moderate.
Edited by Father Ted: 22/12/2009 - 15:45
Posted 22/12/2009 - 15:51 Link
Would benefit with sitting in on every one of your workshops...Problem is. Seeing the light as far as the door, and then a mist descends when outside. Just discovered the use of the green button. That says it all

regards Thoramay.
Posted 22/12/2009 - 17:25 Link
I can't decide where to put myself... there's always more to learn

(For gallery, tips and links)
Posted 22/12/2009 - 17:26 Link
Bearing in mind that there is a difference between your current level of photo knowledge and the level of your photographic ability I have answered but not sure correctly. Without a high level of knowledge it may be difficult to answer correctly as until you have leaned most there is to know you are not sure what it is you do know and how much there is to learn.

My skills are basic but I am learning so should I have voted beginner or moderate?
Jackie H
K7, K20D, istDS, Optio SV, ME
Most used glass
50mm f1.4, 60-250mm, 28-80mm,
Sigma 105mm 2.8 Macro & Bertha 50-500
Posted 22/12/2009 - 17:30 Link
I think just don't over-think it and go with your "gut feeling".
Best regards, John
Posted 22/12/2009 - 17:40 Link
Moderate, (hopefully) becoming better
Posted 22/12/2009 - 17:42 Link
I don't see a box labeled "Somewhere between Forrest Gump and Rainman" What am I supposed to check?
Fired many shots. Didn't kill anything.
Posted 22/12/2009 - 17:43 Link
I have classed myself as " moderate,becomming better!"...I feel I can take decent enough photographs,but I am lost on the technical side of things. I shoot in jpeg as I dont have photoshop or the like , I prefer to use the camera to achieve what I'm after,more often than not I just about reach my goal.........I'm quite happy ...and just in case I miss the chance,a happy christmas to you all, and I hope all your presents have "Pentax " written on the box!....all the best...Ken
Posted 22/12/2009 - 17:44 Link
johnriley wrote:
I think just don't over-think it and go with your "gut feeling".

Sorry John, I chew over everything and still give foolish answers. My gut feeling is I would have wished to have started sooner in my youth but in my youth it was not affordable and for everything I get to grips with there and two more that takes it's place, how does anyone one know they are really well informed or is it a case that when you are you know it.
Jackie H
K7, K20D, istDS, Optio SV, ME
Most used glass
50mm f1.4, 60-250mm, 28-80mm,
Sigma 105mm 2.8 Macro & Bertha 50-500
Posted 22/12/2009 - 17:45 Link
It's not what you know, it's who you know,
Posted 22/12/2009 - 17:47 Link
There's more than one dimension involved in this question, of course. For example I understand the technicalities quite well, and very well as far as the digital technology is concerned, but am still not particularly good at composing a picture.

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