Step up and step down rings
I have a 67mm haida nd3.0 filter which has a 67mm thread. It came with a 67 to 62mm ring which i use on my 18-135 lens. I have a sigma 10-20mm lens which has a 77mm thread. Could i use a couple of rings (77 to 72 and 72 to 67) to make a 67mm filter fit a 77mm lens?
Would the lower diameter filter affect the image on a larger diameter vignetting?
Or should i be looking to get a 77mm filter, and use step down rings to fit all my lower diameter lenses.
Last two questions. YES and YES
Or should i be looking to get a 77mm filter, and use step down rings to fit all my lower diameter lenses.
I'm afraid so... !!
First rule always buy filters the size of your largest lens.. Then step down..
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321 posts
12 years
Would the lower diameter filter affect the image on a larger diameter vignetting?
Or should i be looking to get a 77mm filter, and use step down rings to fit all my lower diameter lenses.