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Pixel shift for macro?

Posted 13/07/2022 - 12:06 Link
Has anyone tried using pixel shift for macro? What about stacking the resulting shots? What I'm wondering is whether it has any advantages for fine detail such as hair and surface features. Or is it just a way of taking up a lot more time and processing power for no discernable gain. I can't try it myself as the K3 doesn't have pixel shift.

Posted 14/07/2022 - 10:55 Link
The file for a pixel shift image from my K1 is around 100MB whereas a standard file is around 41MB, so if you are stacking say 10 or 15 images then that makes a huge file and an insect would need more than that. It might be interesting to try, I have blended 3 differently exposed pixel shift images for a high contrast interior to great effect. The biggest problem I get with stacked shots is taking enough to get them aligned by the software without odd artefacts.

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