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Photography Show NEC 2019

Posted 13/01/2019 - 00:30 Link
Just looked at the latest exhibitor list for the Photography Show at the NEC Birmingham. Still a couple of months to go but as yet no sign of Ricoh/Pentax.

Anyone have any idea on whether they'll be there or not?

I was hoping to have a look at the Ricoh GRiii
6th Year Apprentice Pensioner
Posted 13/01/2019 - 08:10 Link
I think we had the same issue last year but they ended up with a better positioned site than previously. Then the DFA 50mm f1.4 was being launched but other than the GRiii I wonder what else there will be?
Posted 13/01/2019 - 08:25 Link
The 11-18 DA* must be almost finished...
Posted 17/01/2019 - 22:28 Link
I know we've been over this same issue before many times with Pentax and Photography Shows, but I don't think manufacturers go to a show just to show their new stuff, but to also display their existing stuff.

Photography shows don't only attract enthusiasts they also attract newcomers looking to get into photography.

Ricoh / Pentax need to be there.
6th Year Apprentice Pensioner
Posted 18/01/2019 - 17:10 Link
Well, at the Societies Convention in Hammersmith they were present and in a good position...

KP plus pancake
645Z plus a few lenses (the 645 is the main thrust at this show)

plus K-1ii with 15-30, 24-70, 70-200 and 50/1,4. Spoke a lot with the chap, very pleasant - he said there should be a lot of new stuff at the Photography Show.
AKA Welshwizard/PWynneJ
Assorted Pentax/Nikon/Mamiya stuff
Posted 19/01/2019 - 11:48 Link
I wonder if these large NEC shows may be on their way out unless linked to a major TV series or similar. I can only speak from direct knowledge of the Autosport show which I have attended for 20 years or more. This year once again showed a continued decline in attendance of both manufacturers/vendors and public. I know several traditional stall holders who have measured the spiralling costs and compared them with the benefits and decided there are better ways to spend their marketing budgets. This is not a good thing for us consumers who like to try before we buy but may well deter the more casual attendee. It may well be that Ricoh/Pentax would get a better return from sessions held at local shops or in more local venues - at least it wouldn't cost the customers £16 to park for the day.
Posted 20/01/2019 - 01:34 Link
Why drive? It has its own main line rail station. (yes, it costs a rail ticket but buy well in advance and you can get it for peanuts).
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

My page on Photocrowd
Posted 20/01/2019 - 08:24 Link
I thought it was less to park, around £10, and if a couple of friends come as well it can be split. Anyhow, the times I have been the show has been massively busy and events get sold out quickly. Apart from the main stands there are dozens of smaller ones which you would not come cross normally and you get to handle stuff so can judge how good or useful it is. And there are special offers so if there is something specific you want it can more than offset the cost of visiting.
Posted 20/01/2019 - 08:32 Link
Parking is £12 if booked online prior to the day of attendance and £16 on the day

" A Hangover is something that occupies the Head you neglected to use the night before".

K1 - Sigma 85mm F1.4, Pentax DFA 150 -450 F4.5 / 5.6, Pentax DFA* 24 - 70 F2.8

Samyang 14mm F2.8, Pentax DFA* 70-200 F2.8, Pentax A 50mm F1.2

K3iii + K3ii + K5iis converted to IR, Sigma 17 - 70 F2.8, Pentax 55 - 300 F4.5 / F5.6 PLM
Posted 20/01/2019 - 09:04 Link
Chrism8 wrote:
Parking is £12 if booked online prior to the day of attendance and £16 on the day

Still a total rip off
Posted 21/01/2019 - 12:08 Link
Whenever I go, I park at the station, which is cheaper than the NEC - £9 on weekends and £12 Mon - Fri (without the need to pre-book). A covered walkway takes you directly to the NEC.
Posted 21/01/2019 - 16:29 Link
Personally I don't have a problem with car parking charges as public transport to the NEC is excellent.

What I do have a problem with, and this is to all other shows as well, is the admission charge.

Manufacturers want us to go and look at their products and either at the show or in the future buy their products.

Admission should be free.
6th Year Apprentice Pensioner
Posted 21/01/2019 - 23:21 Link
dangie wrote:
Personally I don't have a problem with car parking charges as public transport to the NEC is excellent.

What I do have a problem with, and this is to all other shows as well, is the admission charge.

Manufacturers want us to go and look at their products and either at the show or in the future buy their products.

Admission should be free.

I imagine that would lead to a huge price hike for the stands which for many would become too much, so becomes anti-productive. There are discounts for some societies, students and over 65s (or is it over 60s?). Like I said, if you take advantage of the special offers then you can recoup some or all of the cost. However I still have some photo papers from last year and there isn’t anything significant I need now, so will be coming home lighter than usual. Possibly.
Posted 11/02/2019 - 10:23 Link
Just had a look this morning at the exhibitor list for the Photography Show and still no sign of Ricoh/Pentax so I guess from that they're not going to be there.

Really disappointed as I wanted to look at the Ricoh GRll and GRlll [if it's released by then]

However Fujifim are there so I'll have a good look at the Fujifilm XF10 instead.
6th Year Apprentice Pensioner
Posted 11/02/2019 - 11:00 Link
Pentax will have the GRiii, the 11-18mm f/2.8 and the re-vamped 35mm f/2, maybe even a mock-up or two of some of the upcoming FF lenses due in the not too distant future. Or even a K-3 mark iii...

I would think that being at trade shows makes sense for them.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses

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