Framing a photo with mount-
1. Tape to the back of the window mat (I'd call this the mount)
2 & 3. Usually I use one or two small strips (approx. 2cm long) of masking tape at the top edge.
2) I then put a backing card over the whole photo that is typically 2-3 cm larger than the photo on each side, and then tape that all the way around to the back of the mount.
I always use a Ph Neutral (i.e. acid free) self adhesive tape.
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647 posts
14 years
Anytime I've framed a photo I've taped the back of the photo to the window mat.
This article has the front of the photo taped to the 'mat board/back of frame'
My frames have glass - window mat- mat board/back of frame, no separate mat board.
A few questions-
1. I had presumed that everyone taped the back of the photo to the window mat- am I wrong?
2. what do you use to tape the photo?
3. do you tape entire top and bottom on photo or just a few small tabs of tape on the top & on the bottom or just on top?
Pa where every post have a musical reference as it's title.