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AF-360FGZ SOLD, thanks

Comment by mcpieman posted on FS: Pentax K3ii, DA* 16-50 and AF-360FGZ at 22/06/2018 - 11:07

AF-360FGZ sold pending payment

Comment by mcpieman posted on FS: Pentax K3ii, DA* 16-50 and AF-360FGZ at 22/06/2018 - 09:53

Pentax AF-360FGZ £40 delivered anyone?

Comment by mcpieman posted on FS: Pentax K3ii, DA* 16-50 and AF-360FGZ at 21/06/2018 - 16:25

I agree I do like to have the latest gadget, and for image quality my K3ii was more than sufficient, I have many shots of my son posing that would be no better on any brand (possibly better if the person behind had more skill). In the last few weeks though I have got shots of him on a his bike, park swings, and running through fields that I know from plenty of experience with the K3ii would have been much more hit and miss. With the K3 you could pre focus on swing and then let off a burst as he was passing that point, but more often than not he would have his eyes shut or not be looking etc, with a burst of tracked images Im getting a higher hit rate and therefore more likely to get the expression too.

I still reckon you'd be hard pushed to get a modern fast AF 600mm zoom for pentax for a comparable price I got the 150-600 C for, I've seen the 150-500 in pentax mount go for more than I paid, and its not as highly rated, and can't be fine tuned by a dock (not that I've tried that yet)

Comment by mcpieman posted on Pentax K1 ii vs Sony a7iii? at 04/05/2018 - 15:02

I'm truly curious why your APS-C camera stopped doing what you wanted because a new full frame camera came out. Can you enlighten us? If you were perfectly happy with it the day previous, what changed?

It didn't stop doing anything, as is always the case on a budget it was the best compromise at the time I bought it. Then when I had money to upgrade and thought of the features I would like (Better AF Tracking, tilting touchscreen, wifi, cheap long lens) there was no Pentax body that had them all, the reason the K1ii made a difference was that I felt FF was now riochs primary focus and for APS-C i'd be better served by other manufacturers. I not sure anyones perfectly happy and I'm not saying my new camera is perfect but its enabled me to get more keepers of my son when hes not stood still, and I've got a 600mm lens without needing a remorgage.

Comment by mcpieman posted on Pentax K1 ii vs Sony a7iii? at 04/05/2018 - 12:08

The aim of this topic is all about discussing the relative rate of innovation & time to market between Pentax & Sony, or any other camera manufacturer for that matter

I was a pentax DSLR user for many years, primarily because I felt the features (like pentaprism, WR, extensive bracketing) and build of the APS-C models were significantly better value than other brands. However the turning point for me was the release of the K1 mkii. IMO Riochs innovation and time to market certainly for APS-C now has been impacted too much by the K1ii and it is losing ground to other manufactures, for instance It doesn't have an equvalient APS-C to the D500 and may be some time before it does. I'd been waiting for an updated K3ii with features like tilting touchscreen, better af, better wifi capability, i did not think the KP was enough of an upgrade, and also lost features I liked like the top LCD. So the time to market for a new APS-C model was certainly a factor in me switching brands, coupled with the lack of cheaper third party lens support, for more budget friendly lenses (can't afford a 150-450 even used, but got a nikon mount Sigma 150-600 used at a very reasonable price). There are certainly pentax feature I miss like build and ergonomics to some extent, but with no new APS-C model on the horizon I can't see me being tempted back unless I win the lottery and can suddenly afford to go full frame. Feels somewhat ironic after years of reading posts about people switching brands to be able to go full frame

Comment by mcpieman posted on Pentax K1 ii vs Sony a7iii? at 04/05/2018 - 10:42

Lens paid for and collected. Nice to meet you Mike, Thanks

Comment by mcpieman posted on FS: Tamron SP 90mm f2.8 Di Macro lens at 19/04/2018 - 13:28

Sold pending payment

Comment by mcpieman posted on FS: Tamron SP 90mm f2.8 Di Macro lens at 18/04/2018 - 20:12

K3ii now sold, Flash reduced to £45 inc delivery

Comment by mcpieman posted on FS: Pentax K3ii, DA* 16-50 and AF-360FGZ at 18/04/2018 - 17:56

bump, price reduced to £150 in delivery

Comment by mcpieman posted on FS: Tamron SP 90mm f2.8 Di Macro lens at 17/04/2018 - 22:21