Juice break
by autumnlight
Last in this mini series of a small boy, sorry for boring you with the same model but he's free and obliging and i have also acquired a brand new Grandson this month who may or may not help me out in the near future, i feel blessed
Uploaded28/05/2014 - 14:14
Posted 28/05/2014 - 16:52
Congratulations, if the new Grandson is as obliging and photogenic as this young man you are truly blessed.
Regards David
Regards David
Posted 28/05/2014 - 17:36
Not at all boring, Maria. Kids make great subjects.
Best wishes,
"These places mean something and it's the job of a photographer to figure-out what the hell it is."
Robert Adams
"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE."
Ernst Hass
My website: http://www.ephotozine.com/user/bwlchmawr-199050 http://s927.photobucket.com/home/ADC3440/index
"These places mean something and it's the job of a photographer to figure-out what the hell it is."
Robert Adams
"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE."
Ernst Hass
My website: http://www.ephotozine.com/user/bwlchmawr-199050 http://s927.photobucket.com/home/ADC3440/index
Posted 28/05/2014 - 18:27
Rarely give advice but I'd like to see more of your grandson as he grows. Not sure he will sit still for it (ugh!) The smooth foreground right is perfect. All images in this series have been thoughtful and wonderfully produced. Thanks tg
"It's not what you look at that's important, it's what you see" - Thoreau
Posted 28/05/2014 - 19:33
This is a great natural shot. Nice black and white treatment. Congratulations on your grandson - they bring great pleasure.
Posted 28/05/2014 - 20:48
I agree with the above, not at all boring, in fact very lovely.
Posted 29/05/2014 - 09:24
Your photographs are never boring Maria, and this one is beautiful. There is a slight softness about his left foot which gives the impression that he's swinging it which I love. Typical of small childhood. Congratulations on the new arrival too, I look forward to seeing the images. Sally
Posted 29/05/2014 - 22:02
Thank you all for your lovely comments
Posted 30/05/2014 - 10:59
As all have said above re: 'boring'. We are our own worst critics and feel obliged to say 'sorry.' Your work is experimental and all a joy to see in the result offered from your close application to achieving something special. How many curved Brandt portrait studies do you see in black and white with the same subject matter but with such diverse/profound results in actuality? They are so, so special. Same with your work. You seek more each time.
Grandson? I have had my Grandaughter visit over the weekend last week (lives a long way away) so I am pleased in your new found joy. Little treasures that bring so much happiness into our lives. Feeling down in the dumps or tired from overwork. They laugh or smile and the world simply changes. Congrats, you are blessed.
Grandson? I have had my Grandaughter visit over the weekend last week (lives a long way away) so I am pleased in your new found joy. Little treasures that bring so much happiness into our lives. Feeling down in the dumps or tired from overwork. They laugh or smile and the world simply changes. Congrats, you are blessed.
"The Latent Image that exists before development is a truly mystical and exciting entity and some subsequent individual photographs can make the spine tingle."
Good Fortune:
Gray Summers. Website www.graysummers.com
Good Fortune:
Gray Summers. Website www.graysummers.com
Posted 30/05/2014 - 22:47
Thank you Gray, they are a blessing indeed!
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