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Village photos

Posted 12/05/2018 - 09:18 Link
The photographic club received a request for any local photos to feature in the annual village directory, so as no-one had responded I went out to take some. It was bin collection day so discreet shifting of bins and avoiding parked cars as much as possible, here are the results:
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All taken with the K1 and 24-70mm lens, most with a polariser
Edited by RobL: 12/05/2018 - 09:25
Posted 12/05/2018 - 10:34 Link
These are really good. I wonder if they’ll be a nice set to look back on in later years too, as a record of the village at this point in time. Thanks for sharing 👍🏻
Posted 12/05/2018 - 10:53 Link
Great way to record the village, and what a lovely looking place.

K-5iiS; K-r; ME Super; ME; DA* 16-50 f2.8; DA 18-135 WR; DA 55-300 WR; HD DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited; FA 50mm f1.4; A50mm f1.7; DAL 18-55mm; M40mm f2.8; + assorted non-Pentax lenses

My Flikr Page link
Posted 12/05/2018 - 11:01 Link
Thanks Richandfleur, good point about the record. These are all of the old part and the last four of a nearby hamlet in the same parish, so little change there hopefully. It was originally two settlements separated by the small river in photo 8 but since merged; the last vestige of this was an ancient small meadow by the river supposedly never to be built on but now has a surgery being built on to cope with the expanding housing around the outskirts. Another ongoing battle is to prevent the church commissioners selling the 175 year old allotments for yet more housing and the Photographic group have been drafted in to help.
Posted 12/05/2018 - 11:51 Link
Cracking set, lively looking place.
Great colours and pp is spot on 👍👍👍
I know what i like, If not always why.
Posted 12/05/2018 - 12:29 Link
Thanks Phil and Derek. After the last shot of the ford I decided to try a 10 stop filter for a 30 sec exposure on a 15-30mm lens, and right in the middle a couple on horses rode across the river! That would have been a nice image but never mind, here is the second go:
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Managed to get the water smoothed out but of course the trees are blurred from movement. Trickiest part was avoiding the camera shadow as the sun was behind me, still a nice way to spend a warm afternoon skiving off work.
Posted 12/05/2018 - 14:11 Link
What filter system did you go for ?
I know what i like, If not always why.
Posted 12/05/2018 - 14:54 Link
Great those Rob and as others have said a nicerecord of a lovely looking place.


Posted 12/05/2018 - 16:27 Link
derek897 wrote:
What filter system did you go for ?

Lee Filters SW150 big stopper plus a polariser although with light behind me I don’t think it had a lot of effect. The big stopper gives a very blue cast but easily resolved in Lightroom by changing the white balance.
Posted 13/05/2018 - 00:27 Link
I only asked as I went the Nisi S5 route, no colour caste from the little stopper or med grad, have to wait till the big stopper gets here to say whether there is any caste from that. Lovely shots
I know what i like, If not always why.
Posted 13/05/2018 - 09:58 Link
Gt project, Rob, as others have said, a gt record...

Posted 13/05/2018 - 10:23 Link
derek897 wrote:
I only asked as I went the Nisi S5 route, no colour caste from the little stopper or med grad, have to wait till the big stopper gets here to say whether there is any caste from that. Lovely shots

Just after I bought the big stopper Lee introduced a ‘pro’ range which coats the surface rather than colouring the glass, so avoiding colour cast and the vignetting on very wide angle lenses - at a cost of course! In PP I found about 6000k put it right and I read somewhere that setting the colour temperature in the camera at that figure makes it right in camera; one more thing to remember when setting up though.

Thanks again everyone for kind comments, it was interesting stimulation to be given a project (I originally thought it was for a calendar) rather than just snapping away for my own fun, I look forward to more opportunities.

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