Asahi Photo Solenoid Repair Asahi Photo Solenoid Repair Asahi Photo Solenoid Repair

To trade or not to trade

Posted 07/03/2015 - 20:00 Link
A most interesting comparison, Matt.
I just don't understand the MX-1. I've no idea how the engineers managed to make it do what it does. I'm cautious about going over-board, extolling the virtues of hardware but in this case...
Best wishes,


"These places mean something and it's the job of a photographer to figure-out what the hell it is."
Robert Adams
"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference.  All of them can record what you are seeing.  But, you have to SEE."
Ernst Hass
My website:
Posted 07/03/2015 - 20:40 Link

I've found with my Lightroom lens correction profiles, plus a custom colour profile (using the QPcard system) I can get ridiculous results from the MX-1.

That said, even the in-camera JPG processing is excellent. My son uses the MX-1 for his art course, and gets many comments about his photography.

If you can cope with the relative bulk, it's a lovely piece of kit!
(For gallery, tips and links)
Posted 07/03/2015 - 22:25 Link
Good comparison, thanks Matt.
Best regards, John
Posted 08/03/2015 - 06:28 Link
I've put up full resolution images of the first three comparison images, if you want to download and compare.

K5iis + DA*16-50 vs MX-1
1. IMGP6959.jpg vs MX1_2033.jpg (should've used a slightly smaller aperture on the MX-1 )

2. IMGP6960.jpg vs MX1_2034.jpg

3. IMGP6964.jpg vs MX1_2038.jpg
(For gallery, tips and links)
Edited by MattMatic: 08/03/2015 - 06:32
Posted 08/03/2015 - 07:35 Link
MattMatic wrote:

I've found with my Lightroom lens correction profiles, plus a custom colour profile (using the QPcard system) I can get ridiculous results from the MX-1.

That said, even the in-camera JPG processing is excellent. My son uses the MX-1 for his art course, and gets many comments about his photography.

If you can cope with the relative bulk, it's a lovely piece of kit!

Well, I took it to Tenerife as my my only camera and never regretted it. The results are so consistent. I shot RAW files to begin with but when I ran out of card space (I know, I know) switched to JPEGs and they were very good as well. While the RAW files are not as malleable as those on a DSLR, there's enough headroom to recover, say, highlights in white clouds.

I'm sorry and a bit bemused that they didn't bring out an MX-2. Imagine a similar camera with a slightly larger sensor, a faster processor and an EVF...

Some people are never satisfied.
Best wishes,


"These places mean something and it's the job of a photographer to figure-out what the hell it is."
Robert Adams
"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference.  All of them can record what you are seeing.  But, you have to SEE."
Ernst Hass
My website:
Posted 08/03/2015 - 14:46 Link
Thanks every one for your comments and to Matt for the comparisons happy shooting every one
Regards Ian
Posted 08/10/2015 - 15:45 Link
Just to finish off the thread. In the end I went for the Fuji X30. I have been pleasantly surprised by its IQ and a great walk around camera.

Thanks again for all the feed back on the subject.

Regards Ian
Posted 08/10/2015 - 17:58 - Helpful Comment Link
I'm sure you'll be very happy with your new purchase, Ian. I bet you'll soon use it more than your DSLR...
Best wishes,


"These places mean something and it's the job of a photographer to figure-out what the hell it is."
Robert Adams
"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference.  All of them can record what you are seeing.  But, you have to SEE."
Ernst Hass
My website:

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