Time for change
I took a picture the day after the clocks went back, and noticed that the time on it was wrong. I'd actually assumed that it would do it automatically, like Windows, but I guess that's a bit much to expect.
I'd like to sound smug, but I also noticed that I'd set the date wrong originally
Pentax K-3, DA18-135, DA35 F2.4, DA17-70, DA55-300, FA28-200, A50 F1.7, A100 F4 Macro, A400 F5.6, Sigma 10-20 EXDC, 50-500 F4.5-6.3 APO DG OS Samsung flash SEF-54PZF(x2)
I took a picture the day after the clocks went back, and noticed that the time on it was wrong. I'd actually assumed that it would do it automatically, like Windows, but I guess that's a bit much to expect.
I'd like to sound smug, but I also noticed that I'd set the date wrong originally
Maybe if you try plugging the camera into the PC. Only joking dont bother I dont think they are that smart. (Yet)
Regards David
Take care
I. El. (Eng). (Rtd).
His nibs car does it automatically. Clever stuff.
- Edgar Allan Poe
Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff
I realised the phone had to be wrong otherwise my camera would have been two hours out
Looking at the shot later I thought I'd have another go, and I knew the exact time I had to be there. So I turned up just before the appointed time - and waited an hour for the sunbeam to get to its appointed place.
The camera had been on GMT all the time, so the EXIF showed 12:00 and the clock time for the shot was actually 13:00...
That's the shot used for my avatar by the way - there's a slot of a few minutes where it gets that lighting.
photographs uploaded to their PC?
Seems to be a Windows Feature!
Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff
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