This is a Wind-up !
Posted 30/03/2020 - 19:55
I have a couple that were handed out free at a agricultural show electrical company stand. Must be 10 years + now and still woking.
Posted 30/03/2020 - 21:19
We keep a wind-up torch in the car. There used to be a battery torch but the battery was always flat on the rare occasions it was needed.
Posted 30/03/2020 - 21:51
That's a coincidence - I found one in a drawer at the weekend, looks similar except it's a silver colour rather than orange. Mine would work only with the winder, so I'm waiting for a new LiR 2032 battery to come via ebay.
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404 posts
13 years
This strange object for example :-
If you think this is a windup you'd be completely correct :-
It REALLY IS a wind up torch !
I bought it some time ago and guess it must be around 10 years old ?
Amazingly, when I pressed the ON button it came on and still had some charge !
Taken close up using my FA 28-70 f/4 at 70mm (Macro range) on my K50
Keep smiling