should shake reduction on(mono pod)
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Posted 12/03/2009 - 12:39
From seeing all your shots taken hand held using the 170-500mm, I don't think you would ever have to use either a tripod or a monopod. You must have the steadiest hands ever!
I personally switch off the SR when using my monopod, but that's personal choice.
From seeing all your shots taken hand held using the 170-500mm, I don't think you would ever have to use either a tripod or a monopod. You must have the steadiest hands ever!
I personally switch off the SR when using my monopod, but that's personal choice.
Posted 12/03/2009 - 15:16
scottthehat wrote:
what do people use,
what do people use,
Monopod SR...On,
Tripod SR Off,
Thats what I do.
Posted 12/03/2009 - 22:14
I always us SR when using my monopod. Never on a tripod.
Posted 13/03/2009 - 09:27
What happens if I forget to turn off SR when using tripod? Can anyone please just briefly give me an idea?
Amin Photo Gallery
Posted 13/03/2009 - 09:42
This is my take on SR...
To SR or not SR depends mainly on the shutter speed rather than what you are mounting the camera on. There are, IMO, two factors:
1) Shutter speed
2) Amount of movement
If the shutter speed is too long, then SR can introduce a measure of blurriness.
If the amount of movement is extremely low (as when using a tripod) then SR again can introduce a measure of blurriness.
So, if I'm using a Monopod with a 320mm lens and trying to shoot at 1/30s, then I'll use SR. It's likely that subject movement will dominate in the blurriness scale anyway!
If I'm using a tripod, then I'll use the 2 second delay (which does a mirror lock-up). This mode automatically disables SR anyway (even if you have the switch set to "SR On").
There is, however, one "bug" that has caught me out
If you only use the "AF" button to focus, so the shutter release does not do autofocus, then pressing the shutter release too quickly with SR on can blur the image. The situation was this - I was taking some shots at a wedding, with everyone in the same place (so focus didn't need to be adjusted), and the groom laughed - so my instinctive reaction was to take the shot. The result was blurred - but the shutter speed would definitely not explain it (1/60s at about 40mm). Later tests showed that the SR could be "tricked" into thinking there was camera movement, but the SR hadn't had time to stabilise and the shot was taken with SR "over compensating".
Just one to watch out for
To SR or not SR depends mainly on the shutter speed rather than what you are mounting the camera on. There are, IMO, two factors:
1) Shutter speed
2) Amount of movement
If the shutter speed is too long, then SR can introduce a measure of blurriness.
If the amount of movement is extremely low (as when using a tripod) then SR again can introduce a measure of blurriness.
So, if I'm using a Monopod with a 320mm lens and trying to shoot at 1/30s, then I'll use SR. It's likely that subject movement will dominate in the blurriness scale anyway!
If I'm using a tripod, then I'll use the 2 second delay (which does a mirror lock-up). This mode automatically disables SR anyway (even if you have the switch set to "SR On").
There is, however, one "bug" that has caught me out
If you only use the "AF" button to focus, so the shutter release does not do autofocus, then pressing the shutter release too quickly with SR on can blur the image. The situation was this - I was taking some shots at a wedding, with everyone in the same place (so focus didn't need to be adjusted), and the groom laughed - so my instinctive reaction was to take the shot. The result was blurred - but the shutter speed would definitely not explain it (1/60s at about 40mm). Later tests showed that the SR could be "tricked" into thinking there was camera movement, but the SR hadn't had time to stabilise and the shot was taken with SR "over compensating".
Just one to watch out for
(For gallery, tips and links)
(For gallery, tips and links)
Posted 13/03/2009 - 09:54
very detailed explained, thank you very much.
What you have just explained now helps me clarify a particular situation that occurred while I was trying to get some shots of the moon a few nights ago. It was the bit that you mention the 2sec mirror lock up that suddenly made me think what might have gone wrong with what I was trying to capture. Huge difference between the shots I took now with the remote firing without the 2sec lock up and a month ago when I took the images without the remote, as I didn't have one then, but was using the 2sec mirror lock up. The images last month were far far better than what I attempted few nights ago, and I couldn't just understand what went wrong. Now with your explanation along with the SR just gives a total new dimension to the way I will be starting to look at my settings.
I must say, this is one of those moments that suddenly a huge huge light just came on in my mind and all got much much more clearer . I cant wait to go out and try again and give more attention to the 2sec mirro lock up and SR aspects of my shots .
Thank you so much for such a great clarification.
very detailed explained, thank you very much.
What you have just explained now helps me clarify a particular situation that occurred while I was trying to get some shots of the moon a few nights ago. It was the bit that you mention the 2sec mirror lock up that suddenly made me think what might have gone wrong with what I was trying to capture. Huge difference between the shots I took now with the remote firing without the 2sec lock up and a month ago when I took the images without the remote, as I didn't have one then, but was using the 2sec mirror lock up. The images last month were far far better than what I attempted few nights ago, and I couldn't just understand what went wrong. Now with your explanation along with the SR just gives a total new dimension to the way I will be starting to look at my settings.
I must say, this is one of those moments that suddenly a huge huge light just came on in my mind and all got much much more clearer . I cant wait to go out and try again and give more attention to the 2sec mirro lock up and SR aspects of my shots .
Thank you so much for such a great clarification.
Amin Photo Gallery
Posted 13/03/2009 - 09:55
My (limited) understanding of it is that whilst using a tripod there is less chance of camera shake whereas with a monopod it is not as stable so camera shake will be more likely so that it why I have it on, also as Matt mentions above depends on other factors, shutter speed, etc.
I've just bought one for the propeller aircraft this year at airshows so when and if I have some decent shots I'll post them on here with SR on and off for comparison.
I've just bought one for the propeller aircraft this year at airshows so when and if I have some decent shots I'll post them on here with SR on and off for comparison.
Posted 13/03/2009 - 10:20
Sorry to hijack the thread but I just can't help dwelling again on this issue as it seems to be an aspect I need to really improve a lot and get full understanding about it .
I just realised how much the mirror lock up issue is important suddenly after reading Matt's comment, so wanted to as an example here would I be wrong in thinking this first image taken with the mirror lock up 2sec seems better in sharpness because of the delay, compared to the next one, which was taken with the remote but without the 2sec delay?
thank you for all your help

Sorry to hijack the thread but I just can't help dwelling again on this issue as it seems to be an aspect I need to really improve a lot and get full understanding about it .
I just realised how much the mirror lock up issue is important suddenly after reading Matt's comment, so wanted to as an example here would I be wrong in thinking this first image taken with the mirror lock up 2sec seems better in sharpness because of the delay, compared to the next one, which was taken with the remote but without the 2sec delay?
thank you for all your help

Amin Photo Gallery
Posted 13/03/2009 - 10:37
Posted 13/03/2009 - 10:48
That is a lovely shot, but goodness me, handheld? You must have arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger .
Oh I forgot you are an electrician and also you are into fitness huh? . Big muscles there definitely help.
That is a lovely shot, but goodness me, handheld? You must have arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger .
Oh I forgot you are an electrician and also you are into fitness huh? . Big muscles there definitely help.
Amin Photo Gallery
Posted 13/03/2009 - 11:00
Arnold Schwarzenegger i wish, no i do work out 5 days a week, and im use to pritty physical work, all i can say is my camera is all ways on continous shooting, and i always taken lots , i do get blurry ones, but i get alot more decent ones then bad, look at the robin i just put in gallery, and thanks aminstar, how you finding the bird shooting going,
Posted 13/03/2009 - 11:07
I do follow quite closely your photos in the gallery they are always a joy to look at. I love wildlife and your shots are really wonderful. And you know what? you seem to get better by the day . I remember that lovely blue tit perched on that lovely vibrant green plant that was awsome. I saw it in the isig too , well done.
With regard to continuous shooting, so tell me this, if I choose continuous mode and AF.C and when I press the shutter release button does the AF adjust still with minor movements of either the subject or of the camera? I think I will have to go back and read again in the manual about this, because I think there is something there that with the right setting more advantage could be had.
I took your advice about the Centre weighted setting and also the Hyp P mode and I seem to enjoy more and get better shot in fact. Still trying but that was a good tip, thanks again. Any more tips that would help? you seem to be on the fast path to great wildlife shots .
By the way I need a TC now to add to my little arsenal, now that I have the DA* cutie and the squirrel was taken with it
I do follow quite closely your photos in the gallery they are always a joy to look at. I love wildlife and your shots are really wonderful. And you know what? you seem to get better by the day . I remember that lovely blue tit perched on that lovely vibrant green plant that was awsome. I saw it in the isig too , well done.
With regard to continuous shooting, so tell me this, if I choose continuous mode and AF.C and when I press the shutter release button does the AF adjust still with minor movements of either the subject or of the camera? I think I will have to go back and read again in the manual about this, because I think there is something there that with the right setting more advantage could be had.
I took your advice about the Centre weighted setting and also the Hyp P mode and I seem to enjoy more and get better shot in fact. Still trying but that was a good tip, thanks again. Any more tips that would help? you seem to be on the fast path to great wildlife shots .
By the way I need a TC now to add to my little arsenal, now that I have the DA* cutie and the squirrel was taken with it
Amin Photo Gallery
Posted 13/03/2009 - 12:19
This is all I get handheld
but I got to admit though that it was a good 100 ft away from where I was trying to shoot it. In my neighbour's neighbour garden .
Got to be careful or else I might end up being prosecuted for overlooking neighbour's gardens ha lol. Lucky though my next door neighbour is great and I hope his neighbour, whose trees usually are full of wildlife is also great lol. Got to get into competition with him and try to attract some of those into my garden.

This is all I get handheld
but I got to admit though that it was a good 100 ft away from where I was trying to shoot it. In my neighbour's neighbour garden .
Got to be careful or else I might end up being prosecuted for overlooking neighbour's gardens ha lol. Lucky though my next door neighbour is great and I hope his neighbour, whose trees usually are full of wildlife is also great lol. Got to get into competition with him and try to attract some of those into my garden.

Amin Photo Gallery
Posted 13/03/2009 - 12:58
looks ok from me, the seagul in my portfolio is over 100ft away, what feeders you put up amin, is this with the da*,
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