Sennen Surfers ICM/Multiple Exposures
They are as ever all good. The ones that really perk my interest are Nos 4 through to 9. Love the tighter crop, shapes and forms described in No.8.
The whole set is right up my street so to speak.
I'll send you out into the wilderness again.
I too prefer 4-9 where you have something more recognisable as a human shape in there together with great looking ICM waves.
Nice colours as well.
No.1 is excellent, as is No.12 but those in between don't do it for me this time But I have to admit I like your willingness to experiment so much - keep it up
I guess this means it's sort of one extreme or the other that will have the real impact, not a halfway house approach.
Of course 10 and 11 are really lovely!
Pentax K7 with BG-4 Grip / Samyang 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC / DA18-55mm f3.5-5.6 AL WR / SMC A28mm f2.8 / D FA 28-105mm / SMC F35-70 f3.5-4.5 / SMC A50mm f1.7 / Tamron AF70-300mm f4-5.6 Di LD macro / SMC M75-150mm f4.0 / Tamron Adaptall (CT-135) 135mm f2.8 / Asahi Takumar-A 2X tele-converter / Pentax AF-540FGZ (I & II) Flashes / Cactus RF60/X Flashes & V6/V6II Transceiver
7 & 8........
for the pure excitement!
Pentax Lenses 28-80 F, 300 DA*, 80-200 F, 35 F2.4 AL, M50 F1.7, 28-105 DFA, 20 F4 SMC
What is the point?
What's the point of what? I'm not sure what you're asking.
Perhaps think of your own photograph "Fly the Flag" I think it was called. Consider your photograph then come back to these and look afresh maybe.
Great that this set has sparked a little discussion.
Thanks all for thoughts and comments re these...
John L, Nigel, Stu, and John W... thanks for your honesty and saying what you see... I learnt a long time ago with this that it tends to polarise (no pun intended) opinion pretty strongly either way... something I welcome, so good to have your thoughts...
John W... you ask an interesting question (What’s the Point?)... and by asking it, I’d argue you’ve possibly already answered it... the point for me is, in this particular case (as with many - though not all - branches of photography), to ask the viewer to consider, or look at, a subject in a way they might not have considered it before... that’s not to say I’m necessarily expecting, or even wanting, you to like it... far from it... beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, and your taste will be very personal to you... but if you’ve even momentarily stopped long enough to consider what it is (or indeed the value of what) you’re looking at, then for me in many ways that is already job done... anything else that you may take away from it above and beyond that is a bonus for me...
Nigel K, Rob, Karlo, Roger, DSP... thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback re these... my own favourites are also in the range that you’ve described (Four to Eight), which is interesting... Nigel, thank you for the commission! I will be heading out again...
FWIW, my intention with these, and specifically the reason to use ICM (and the Multiple Exposures in the opening shots) in this specific instance, was to embrace and explore the movement of the surfers, rather than deny it, and to see what came as a result... and I chose these ones (from the 800 or so that I shot - ICM is very hit and miss) as they were the best balance between the form of the surfers, and their movement through the water, which was the story I was seeking to tell... not perfect for sure, but pretty pleased with them all in all...
Thanks again all...
Some seem to tend towards impressionism (1, 3, 10), some towards minimalism/abstraction (2, 11, 12), others towards some kind of alternate dimension of movement (4-9, the most promising set to my taste).
Something about viewing them on screen just hits me wrong for some reason - but oh how I can imagine the results on a smooth coton rag...
the point for me is, in this particular case (as with many - though not all - branches of photography), to ask the viewer to consider, or look at, a subject in a way they might not have considered it before...
Yes, absolutely...
and I chose these ones [...] as they were the best balance between the form of the surfers, and their movement through the water
4-9 definitely hit that nail... and much more!
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