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Ref converter A

Posted 01/02/2009 - 14:31 Link

I am looking to buy the right angle finder, ref converter A for my K20D. Do Pentax still manufacture this item ? or is buying used my only option ?


Posted 01/02/2009 - 15:50 Link
I found an Australian website that sells them

[link= ]link[/link]

There was a UK website but it didn't actually give a price.

Hope that's some kind of help

Posted 01/02/2009 - 15:58 Link
You could always try a generic one, such as the Seagull, if you can't get a genuine Pentax one.
Posted 01/02/2009 - 16:27 Link
Hi Gwyn,

I had a Seagull one a couple of years ago when I was disabled with a Nikon. Not impressed with how it fit I eventually purchased the pukka Nikon finder. They may have changed since then ?

Posted 01/02/2009 - 17:04 Link
For use on a digital, ref converter M (which is the one I have) is almost identical to ref converter A.... A seems to just have a slightly bigger hole at the bottom to cut down of reflections on the Super A. I've used mine on the Super A and K10D without any problems.

Really handy for Manual focusing especially at 2x and for macro work. The dioptric focus adjustment to look at the viewfinder screen is a lot more precise than the one on the camera. I certainly wouldn't be without one.

Posted 01/02/2009 - 17:08 Link
There is an M version for sale on here. I have contacted the seller three times over the past four reply !


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