Photo shop/light room
Looking at getting a photo package but don't know what to go for which is the best one for general photography advice please
What do you do/want to do in pp ?
PS is a deep editing application. LR is too, but is a great way to catalogue and display your pictures too.
The Adobe photographer package is great value in my opinion. LR + PS + Portfolio for £10 per month
My Flickr page
If Luminar 3's performance was that little bit more consistent, I'd use it without hesitation. It's particularly good for editing jpegs quickly, but hangs up a bit with Raw.
which is the best one for general photography
That's a bit like asking which is the best car for general motoring - ask 5 people and you'll get 6 opinions!
pschlute asks one of the right questions - What do you do/want to do in pp? The other one is - What experience do you already have? Answer those two and (a) it's easier to give useful advice; and (b) it will be easier for you to make a decision. There's a big difference between the best tools for minor tweaks to jpg's and major, creative editing with RAW (DNG or PEF) files. And it depends on the computer you'll be using - Windows PC, Mac, Linux PC, Android tablet, iPhone .... some packages don't work with some operating systems.
The only advice I can give without knowing your answers is keep it cheap (or better still, free) until you are sure you know what you want to do and keep it simple until you understand what all the complicated bits are for and know you need them. Free software (either freeware or bundled with a scanner or printer) kept me happy for many years - only paid money when I knew what I needed and couldn't get it easily from the free stuff.
Good luck!
The best thing to do is to try one fo the free ones like Gimp or RAWTherapee to discover what can be achieved.
You'll also need to consider whether to shoot RAW or JPG but that's a whole new discussion. FWIW, just shoot RAW.
It's so easy to get bogged down with digital imaging, so keeping things as simple as possible is often the best idea.
Trying a few is really the only way to get an idea of how they work for you... but will eat up a fair bit of your time in the process.
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)
What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!
Get it here link
i am trying faststone
pentax da*50-135 pentax da plm 55-300 sigma apo 150-500 hsm os
Pentax af aw 1.4 rear converter and a flash
i am trying faststone
Good choice. It's only worth getting something fancier (and pricier...) if it can't do what you want. I still use it for some things in spite of having paid for something fancier.
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1421 posts
14 years
pentax da*50-135 pentax da plm 55-300 sigma apo 150-500 hsm os
Pentax af aw 1.4 rear converter and a flash