Pentax Spotters Thread
Rare animals? Not so interesting.
Rare lenses? Yes please!
The previous time was in Valencia a few months back when I was surprised to see someone with a K-1 and (I think) the 24-70mm f/2.8.
Pentax users are very few and far between in Spain, even more so than in the UK.
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
that lens hood is the sexiest lens accessory ever. Round ones are so boring!
F50 1.7. SMC-FAs 24, 35, 50 1.4, 85, 135. HD-FA15-30, DFA24-70, D-FA*70-200. The SMC-FA Limited Trinity.
Metz 45 CL-4, AF500FTZ. AF540FGZ.
Some Mamiya and some Nikon
F50 1.7. SMC-FAs 24, 35, 50 1.4, 85, 135. HD-FA15-30, DFA24-70, D-FA*70-200. The SMC-FA Limited Trinity.
Metz 45 CL-4, AF500FTZ. AF540FGZ.
Some Mamiya and some Nikon
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1774 posts
8 years
Simply state what you saw and where you saw it - bonus if you've spotted a PU member!