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Pentax K-3 won't sync

Posted 19/10/2016 - 06:58 Link
Hi everyone ! I'm new here so I hope this hasn't been already discussed.

I have the K-3 for almost a year already but I haven't used it with my AF-360FGZ flash until today... or at least try tu use it since it won't sync! I'm not sure if I'm missing some step here. I already have the camera flash on W Control and the flash on the wireless setting and reset all the menu to see if I moved something

I even thought the flash didn't work well anymore but then I tried it with my old K10D and it sync perfectly! :-/

I hope someone here could help me since I'm not really sure whats happening
Posted 19/10/2016 - 07:40 Link
This may help you. LINK


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