Pentax did not make this top ten list:
Lenses: Pentax DA 10-17mm ED(IF) Fish Eye, Pentax DA 14mm f/2.8, Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8, Pentax-A 28mm f/2.8, Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC, Pentax-A 50mm f/1.2, Pentax-A 50mm f/1.4, Pentax-FA 50mm f/1.4, Pentax-A 50mm f/1.7, Pentax DA* 50-135mm f/2.8, Sigma 135-400mm APO DG, and more ..
Flash: AF-540FGZ, Vivitar 283
The world is much bigger than 'America' and that list is just some nonentities viewpoint. Who cares
For once I agree whole heartedly with you Smeggy.
A 7% sales share in any market should keep any firm viable, especially when the market is dominated by a company like Canon who throw nasty products at new users and then lock them into a system, these are just a personal view you understand..
....bit still...
K110+DA40, K200+DA35, K3 and a bag of lenses, bodies and other bits.
Mustn't forget the Zenits, or folders, or...
PPG entries.
Oly won't disappear in 2014. Someone may buy their camera business (as happened to Pentax), or they might get their act together themselves. It's only in the last year that Oly have started making decent primes for m4/3, though prices are still far too high. I think m4/3 can certainly be profitable for all involved.
Oly have a larger market share than Pentax, but the company seems to be spectacularly mis-managed, the book-cooking that was revealed is still doing them a lot of damage.
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
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