Pentax 24-35mm f3.5 lens
To my knowledge it's well-regarded for a zoom of the era but I haven't used one or even seen any for sale. It's a lens I wouldn't mind trying out and £70 sounds like a good deal if it's working well but maybe yours has some problems, possibly fungus. If you post some images of what you see inside then maybe the folks can give you an idea of what you're looking at.
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
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69 posts
13 years
United Kingdom
I bought this lens last week. I am quite pleased with the images it produces.
When I checked the lens, it has lots of dirt specks and multiple moisture like clear rounds stuff.
I paid £70 and they are not going to reduce the price while they will accept return.
Anyone used this lens and would it be worth to keep it?
Thanks for your advice.