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Pentax 24 - 90 Lens

Posted 20/11/2016 - 19:26 Link
Has anyone used this particular lens?
I understand it was one of the last Pentax made for film but can be used on digital.
Posted 20/11/2016 - 20:39 Link
Is it for use on film, APS-C or a K-1 ?
Have you looked at the reviews on ?
John K
Posted 20/11/2016 - 21:34 Link
The 24-90mm was a premium quality standard zoom. We used one on the MZ-3. It's actually a great lens. The only reason I sold ours was that on APS-C having the 12-24mm and the 24-90mm didn't work out as being convenient. So many shots were around 24mm I was forever changing lenses.

I wish I had one now as it would be useful again on the K-1.
Best regards, John
Posted 21/11/2016 - 10:18 Link
Thanks for the comments.
I was enquiring about it because I had not seen this range in a lens before. If anyone is interested, there is one for sale by Ffordes Photographic
Posted 21/11/2016 - 16:26 Link
oldhat wrote:
Thanks for the comments.
I was enquiring about it because I had not seen this range in a lens before. If anyone is interested, there is one for sale by Ffordes Photographic

It's an excellent lens, surprisingly good on the K1 - it's very light and fairly compact, a great alternative to the new Pentax 24-70 is you cope with the slower aperture. If I'm out with a single "all rounder" lens then this is usually first choice.

Good spot Oldhat

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