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ND filters

Posted 25/03/2020 - 13:17 Link
Hi all,

this question doesn't seem to fit into the general structure of the fora so on the basis I plan to use them with film, I'll ask the question here.

I'd like to get some 55mm or 58mm ND filters. Before someone suggests it, rectangular filter systems won't work for my current purpose. Any recommendations for a make? As I am intending to use these on film, I need something that doesn't have a weird colour cast.

Many thanks, Kris.
Kris Lockyear
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
Posted 25/03/2020 - 13:46 Link
I've very little experience with ND filter, so this may be just a coincidence. I bought a B&W 10 stop from a friend who used it on a Canon set up with no colour cast. On my Pentax it produced a brown cast. it also produced a cast of a different hue on another friends Nikon. My point is it may be a case of try before you buy
Posted 27/03/2020 - 12:09 Link
The very best in my opinion.. And Ive had a few different brands over the years. Getting it wrong, Trying to save money, Are Kase filters. You can purchase in round or square formats.. They carry no colour casting at all. They can also be dropped without damaging them. But be fore warned they arnt at all cheap in price..!!

If you need further advice, and a Facebook user. Contact or Message Andrew Yu.. He was an increadible help to me. Talking me out of purchases in some cases..
K-1Gripped K-1 ungripped K-5ii K7 Various lenses


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