Light trails
Posted 03/02/2020 - 10:56
And 2 that have been mirrored

IMGP3607edl2wsm1 by dr.shutter, on Flickr

IMGP3607edl2wmsm1 by dr.shutter, on Flickr

IMGP3607edl2wsm1 by dr.shutter, on Flickr

IMGP3607edl2wmsm1 by dr.shutter, on Flickr
I know what i like, If not always why.
Posted 03/02/2020 - 15:06 - Helpful Comment
Really good set Derek...on top of what you've produced previously.
I reckon some of these would look really good printed with a view to wall mounting...have you considered creating a series to sell?
I reckon some of these would look really good printed with a view to wall mounting...have you considered creating a series to sell?
Posted 04/02/2020 - 00:53 - Helpful Comment
They would certainly go on a lot of office space walls. Super work.
Posted 04/02/2020 - 09:44 - Helpful Comment
What a wonderfully unusual set to behold
Barrie - Too Old To Die Young
Posted 04/02/2020 - 12:29 - Helpful Comment
Simply stunning
Gareth Williams ARPS
My outfit: K1ii - Pentax D FA 24-70mm f2.8 - Pentax DA* 300mm f4 - Pentax modified DA* 60-250mm f4 - Irix 15mm Firefly - Pentax FA 35mm - FA 50mm f1.4 - Tamron SP 90mm macro - Pentax AF 540 FGZ II
Welsh Photographer
Foundation NFT
My outfit: K1ii - Pentax D FA 24-70mm f2.8 - Pentax DA* 300mm f4 - Pentax modified DA* 60-250mm f4 - Irix 15mm Firefly - Pentax FA 35mm - FA 50mm f1.4 - Tamron SP 90mm macro - Pentax AF 540 FGZ II
Welsh Photographer
Foundation NFT
Posted 04/02/2020 - 13:09 - Helpful Comment
They are Artful images with their own distinct merits - superbly created
Posted 04/02/2020 - 20:11 - Helpful Comment
Very very good. Loved your set from last year and tried to emulate them. Nowhere near as good. Thanks for showing again.
Posted 04/02/2020 - 21:35
Cheers guys, i genuinely appreciate you taking the time to look and comment.
I have always been fascinated by these since I stumbled upon the idea,
It was a shot in the main gallery originally that gave me the idea, it wasnt a light trail shot, but who ever took it said they had used a light on a string to light the object, and that got me thinking
That they suggest form and depth mystifies me as they are basically flat,
Karlo and David, thanks, but i would neither know how to go about it or even what to charge
Anyway thank you again and here is a big thank you

IMGP3610ed2hslsm (1) by dr.shutter, on Flickr
I have always been fascinated by these since I stumbled upon the idea,
It was a shot in the main gallery originally that gave me the idea, it wasnt a light trail shot, but who ever took it said they had used a light on a string to light the object, and that got me thinking
That they suggest form and depth mystifies me as they are basically flat,
Karlo and David, thanks, but i would neither know how to go about it or even what to charge
Anyway thank you again and here is a big thank you

IMGP3610ed2hslsm (1) by dr.shutter, on Flickr
I know what i like, If not always why.
Posted 05/02/2020 - 00:13 - Helpful Comment
Brilliant combination of impressively creative technical achievement and the laws of physics.
Same as the old Spirograph (anyone remember them?). Dragging some distantly remembered murk from deeply buried brain cells, I think the technical reason might be that the swinging light is mathematically equivalent to a point moving on a surface in a multidimensional space and the images are 2-dimensional projections of (or is it slices through?) the multidimensional landscape. But, of course, you already knew that!
Have you invented the Optical Harmonograph ???
derek897 wrote:
That they suggest form and depth mystifies me as they are basically flat,
That they suggest form and depth mystifies me as they are basically flat,
Same as the old Spirograph (anyone remember them?). Dragging some distantly remembered murk from deeply buried brain cells, I think the technical reason might be that the swinging light is mathematically equivalent to a point moving on a surface in a multidimensional space and the images are 2-dimensional projections of (or is it slices through?) the multidimensional landscape. But, of course, you already knew that!
Have you invented the Optical Harmonograph ???
Posted 05/02/2020 - 09:24 - Helpful Comment
Wow stunning very well done.
Posted 05/02/2020 - 10:47
mivoligo wrote:
Very original images. I wonder how you do them. Can you share a backstage photos? Or is it a secret?
Very original images. I wonder how you do them. Can you share a backstage photos? Or is it a secret?
Definitely not a secret, I posted the way I do it a couple of years ago,
Here is the link
I know what i like, If not always why.
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2322 posts
11 years
Wicklow Ireland
Here are a couple of shots
No mirroring or replicating, just basic edits.
IMGP3606ed2lsm (1) by dr.shutter, on Flickr
IMGP3610ed2lsm (1) by dr.shutter, on Flickr
IMGP3607edl2sm by dr.shutter, on Flickr
And a crop of the last one
2020-02-03_10-21-04 by dr.shutter, on Flickr