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Last UK sunset of 2017

Posted 30/12/2017 - 10:05 Link
Looking at the weather for tomorrow as I'll be up at St Hildas at Whitby to see the last sunset of 2017.

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looking windy but bright so far

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Then back home to see in the New Year.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year, remembering those that are no longer with us and may you find health and contentment in 2018.

Best regards
pixels don't make pictures
Posted 30/12/2017 - 10:58 Link
Thank you!
Weather here in Hampshire is forecast as grey and blustery..had hoped for a sunset last night, but nothing. Was nice on Thursday, but I was working (and driving carefully on the ice!) in the afternoon/evening.
Posted 30/12/2017 - 10:59 Link
Hope the weather serves you well Gary. All the best to you and your much better half

Posted 30/12/2017 - 15:58 Link
I hope you get your sunset shot, I know you try every year to get one.

I'm hoping to get a sunset here, but it is dubious. Cloudy all day with a chance of sunshine from 4pm. Sunset is at 16.29. I shall keep an eye on things and head to the coast (5 minutes away) if it looks like there will be one. The windchill will be a factor for me too, since it is supposed to be a strong wind again tomorrow.
I may even get up and try for a sunrise on January 1st, but I probably won't manage that even though it isn't until 8.52!
Edited by Gwyn: 30/12/2017 - 15:59
Posted 31/12/2017 - 19:50 Link
Didn't see the sun all day this side of the North Sea .
I hope you had more luck Gary.
Posted 31/12/2017 - 20:00 Link
Gloriously sunny at Whitby Gwyn.......right up until sunset! Low cloud line over the hills stopped the elusive shot.

Whitby was packed solid with no-where in town to park so ended up on school fields atop the West Cliff.

Very muddy there with lots of cars getting stuck. Ended up towing out a large Lexus saloon as I was in a Pajero 2.8.

Still a worthwhile trip and now settling in for the rest of the evening and to see in the New Year. Have a good evening Gwyn and all the best.
pixels don't make pictures

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