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K1 Video?

Posted 12/06/2017 - 23:31 Link
I need to have a play but can anyone comment on how good the video mode is on the K1?

My wife is a teacher and last year I recorded the end of year show for them on my (at the time) Fuji X-Pro 2, they've asked me to do it again but I assume the K1 video mode should be ok? If not I might just pickup something cheap and used to use for this and a couple of other video bits over the next month or so (5Diii maybe) but obviously would rather just use what I have.
Posted 13/06/2017 - 09:02 Link
Can I ask what type of recording are you doing?

As in are you putting your camera on a tripod and recording 2 hours straight of the whole stage?

If so, a basic handicam would be better suited to do this.

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