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K-1 Body

Posted 23/08/2019 - 17:29 Link
SRS doing brand new K-1 bodies with 2 yr warranty for £999 over the weekend.

Must be body bargain of the Year given the very poor exchange rate at the moment.
Posted 23/08/2019 - 21:09 Link
An amazing price.

The flagship APSC is unlikely to be as low as this.
Posted 24/08/2019 - 17:53 Link
Get behind me temptation
Posted 24/08/2019 - 18:02 Link
Is the K-1 II a significant improvement on the K-1?
Peter E Smith - flickr Photostream
Posted 24/08/2019 - 20:44 Link
Mannesty wrote:
Is the K-1 II a significant improvement on the K-1?

Can't see how given Ricoh took in K-1 bodies and 'upgraded' them with just a revised circuit board. I believe the cost to do that was around £80.
John K
Posted 24/08/2019 - 22:45 Link
JAK wrote:
I believe the cost to do that was around £80.

Posted 24/08/2019 - 23:52 Link
That's a super bargain. There's only one annoyance with K1s. We have all been conditioned to use our left thumb to view the results of our work - guess where they put the live view button?
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

My page on Photocrowd
Posted 25/08/2019 - 00:59 Link
Mike-P wrote:
JAK wrote:
I believe the cost to do that was around £80.


No wonder I didn't bother!
Was that the early taker special price or the current price? Can't see that it is worth paying that much just for a modified circuit board.
John K
Posted 25/08/2019 - 11:05 Link
Mannesty wrote:
Is the K-1 II a significant improvement on the K-1?

I have yet to hear enough evidence that the AF is improved sufficiently or the high ISO NR is much better.

Handheld PS ? If you really are after the ultimate detail in your shot why would you not take a tripod along and use the normal PS (available on both cameras).
Posted 25/08/2019 - 12:11 Link
If a smaller K-1 replacement could be developed, the mechanical parts would hopefully also be smaller and therefore have less distance to travel so hopefully resulting in faster operation. TheK-1ii offers no mechanical advantage over the original.
Anyone know if there is an improvement with liveview (I guess there could be as the mechanical shutter and mirror has nothing to do.)
John K
Edited by JAK: 25/08/2019 - 12:14
Posted 25/08/2019 - 13:41 Link
JAK wrote:
If a smaller K-1 replacement could be developed, the mechanical parts would hopefully also be smaller and therefore have less distance to travel so hopefully resulting in faster operation. TheK-1ii offers no mechanical advantage over the original.
Anyone know if there is an improvement with liveview (I guess there could be as the mechanical shutter and mirror has nothing to do.)

A FF sensor, mirror, prism all have to be a certain size. They even designed the K-1 with a special linkage for the mirror so it does not hit the back of the lens when it rises and falls. I don't see how they could make the camera any smaller and keep it as a DSLR.

In LV the shutter and mirror still move when you take the picture. If you select Electronic Shutter then only the second curtain shutter operates to end the exposure.
Edited by pschlute: 25/08/2019 - 13:43
Posted 25/08/2019 - 14:34 Link
pschlute wrote:
JAK wrote:
If a smaller K-1 replacement could be developed, the mechanical parts would hopefully also be smaller and therefore have less distance to travel so hopefully resulting in faster operation. TheK-1ii offers no mechanical advantage over the original.
Anyone know if there is an improvement with liveview (I guess there could be as the mechanical shutter and mirror has nothing to do.)

A FF sensor, mirror, prism all have to be a certain size. They even designed the K-1 with a special linkage for the mirror so it does not hit the back of the lens when it rises and falls. I don't see how they could make the camera any smaller and keep it as a DSLR.

In LV the shutter and mirror still move when you take the picture. If you select Electronic Shutter then only the second curtain shutter operates to end the exposure.

That would suggest there isn't much more room for development possible for that type of camera then. If that is the case then maybe time for an EVF. Not the K-01 version but a true eye level version as other brands are now implementing. The image quality viewed through those is much better than it was just a few years go. Once a virtually useless method, now not too bad. That would surely keep the Pentax naysayers happy too!
A Pentax E-1 maybe? It might be a little chunkier than the opposition if it keeps the K mount (I'd hope it would) Sizewise around an ME/MX but a little thicker to accommodate the sensor and rear screen.
That coupled with some new PLM lenses should see it fly.
John K
Edited by JAK: 25/08/2019 - 14:46
Posted 25/08/2019 - 15:26 Link
JAK wrote:
A Pentax E-1 maybe? It might be a little chunkier than the opposition if it keeps the K mount (I'd hope it would) Sizewise around an ME/MX but a little thicker to accommodate the sensor and rear screen.That coupled with some new PLM lenses should see it fly.

I would buy one alhough you are now getting into the land of Pentaxforums where every such thread goes on for pages and pages and is picked to pieces before dying out some 6 months later ...
Edited by Mike-P: 25/08/2019 - 15:27
Posted 25/08/2019 - 15:31 Link
Mike-P wrote:
I would buy one alhough you are now getting into the land of Pentaxforums where every such thread goes on for pages and pages and is picked to pieces before dying out some 6 months later ...

A K-1 or an E-1. Choice is a great thing, especially if lenses can be shared!
John K
Edited by JAK: 25/08/2019 - 15:37
Posted 25/08/2019 - 15:50 Link
JAK wrote:

That would suggest there isn't much more room for development possible for that type of camera then. If that is the case then maybe time for an EVF.............
That coupled with some new PLM lenses should see it fly.

As far as DSLR I think you are right. Size and weight is limited by the optical design and sensor size.

EVF suggests you are in mirrorless territory. Difficulties with that route are :

1. A new ML design would take a lot of development money (which Pentax do not have), and entail entering a crowded market at a time of diminishing sales accross all brands.

2. The existing K-mount would not work with a new ML design. So more expense for anyone taking the product up. Also a large number of Pentax users make use of the multitude of K-mount lenses available. So to keep them happy too would mean devoloping traditional DSLR as well.

For those two reasons I do not see a new ML offering from Pentax in the immediate future

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