Help: Manfrotto 190CXPro4
K3, M 400/5.6, M 100/4 macro, DA 12-24, DA* 16-50, DA L 55-300
FA 24-90, 1.7X AFA, 1.4X-S
AF 540 FGZ flash
it looks like a hook with a piece of loose plastic plug
Thanks Frogherder
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237 posts
13 years
In the sky
Bloody Jessops probably gave me a ex display model. Only noticed when I arrived home as I did not open it in shop. No tag, no user manual, incomplete packaging.
Anyway, I can't figure out what's the function of one on the loose plastic type hook near the head. Essentially there is a "knob" on each of the three sides. One is to control the central column, the second one is a hook for weights, but I can't figure out what's the 3rd bit is for.
If anyone has a Manfrotto similar to this can you please elaborate what is it for?