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Good replacement for kit lens ?

Posted 14/09/2012 - 18:12 Link
Hi all

I've had my K-X for almost 2 years and have mostly been pleased that I took the leap from a bridge camera (dust issues aside)

I bought the K-X with the 18-55 & 50-200 DAL lens - I have just started to consider upgrading the 18-55 - ideally i'd like something a little wider and that would be an improvement over the basic lens.

Unfortunately money is very short but I have seen the Samsung 16-45 at £150 and this would seem ideal. Would it be an improvement over the 18-55 lens ?

I have also seen the 16-45 2nd hand for £140 and they offered £15 for my 18-55 - would i be better of going for the new lens ?

Thanks muchly

Edited by justa: 14/09/2012 - 18:12
Posted 14/09/2012 - 18:19 Link
The 16-45mm is a better lens, but only by a whisker these days. It gives a slightly wider angle and QuickShift though, both of which could be useful.

£15 for your existing lens is probably as much as you could hope for as a trade in, but you might do better selling that on eBay or here.

The Samsung is the same lens as the Pentax, but the Pentax may well hold its value better. It also definitely has the SMC coating, whereas we only assume the Samsung has.
Best regards, John
Posted 14/09/2012 - 18:49 - Helpful Comment Link
Hi Justa

If you look on ebay - you can pick up a good example of the Pentax 16-45 for around the £100 mark (one in boxed mint condition sold for exactly £100 last week which was the price asked for)

There is one currently ending in 4 days - currently at £90 - may go above £100

The 18-55 DALs do not sell well on ebay - in fact they seem to go for less than £20 (3 just sold for around £15) so the trade in price you have been offered is actually not bad.

So - realistically buying a 16-45 on ebay and selling your 18-55 - could be your best option

You could end up with a net cost of £85 for the 16-45 Vs the £125 you are looking at currently

No matter how many lenses I have owned - I have always needed just one more
Posted 14/09/2012 - 18:56 Link
thanks for the replies folks - always appreciate people taking their time

I'll take a look on fleabay...

John - I was hoping it would be a noticeably better lens - can you make any other suggestions ?

I would like something a zoom starting at between 16-18mm - well really i'd like a wider angle but just cant afford one.
Posted 14/09/2012 - 18:59 - Helpful Comment Link
Don't misunderstand me, it will be better, but only expect to see a subtle improvement at wider apertures and larger sizes. It will be your best option at a reasonable price.

Otherwise, it's the 16-50mm and the price goes up, again with another small improvement.
Best regards, John
Posted 14/09/2012 - 20:22 Link
If it were me I'd be looking for a Tamron 17-50mm f2.8. While I upgraded to the 16-45, I hardly use it as I tend to go wider with the Sigma 10-20.

The Tamron being f2.8 would get more use in low light. Get it from an approved stockist and you can get a 5 year guarantee with it too.

Posted 14/09/2012 - 21:06 Link
+1 f2.8 or else 10-20 wide angle
Pa where every post have a musical reference as it's title.
Posted 14/09/2012 - 21:21 Link
Blythman wrote:
If it were me I'd be looking for a Tamron 17-50mm f2.8. While I upgraded to the 16-45, I hardly use it as I tend to go wider with the Sigma 10-20.

The Tamron being f2.8 would get more use in low light. Get it from an approved stockist and you can get a 5 year guarantee with it too.

+1 to this. The Tammy is a really fine lens that gives superb results. Look for some of Cabstar's stage shots taken with the 17-50.

Bottom line spend has just shot up for you though Pentax. Pentax DA*300/4, Cosina 55/1.2, Lens Baby Composer Pro & Edge 80, AFA x1.7, Metz 50 af1.
Nikon. D800. D600. Sigma 500/4.5, Nikon 300/2.8 VRII, Sigma 120-300/2.8, Zeiss Distagon ZF2 21/2.8, Zeiss Distagon ZF2 35/2.0, Sigma 50/1.4, Nikkor 85/1.8, Nikon TC20EIII, Nikon TC14EII, Kenko x1.4, Sigma 2.0
Edited by Frogfish: 14/09/2012 - 21:22
Posted 14/09/2012 - 21:34 - Helpful Comment Link
Hi Justa, I upgraded from the 18-55 to the 16-45. At the time I only had the K-x and K-m, and used the 16-45 on the K-x. I can give you the following feedback:

- I used the 18-55 a lot for all types of photography, including landscapes and was always happy with the shots it gave me. If you have a decent copy it's a very capable lens and much underrated
- The 16-45 is definitely better, most of my more recent landscapes are taken with it and I always prefer it to the 18-55
- The quick shift feature is of no consequence to me as I mainly use the 16-45 for landscape shots
- I now have a K-5 and find the 16-45 to be a very good partner for this camera, but it works well too on my K-x
- I would not sell my 18-55, I still use it and now have a WR version to use with the K-5 in damp weather
- the 16-45 is sharper (and also is sharp right from F4 upwards), it also makes a useful close-up lens, although not macro

All in all, if I were you I would not hesitate if you can get a 16-45 for around the £100 mark, especially if it's the Pentax version. I find it very good and I doubt you could come close to the performance for the price with any other Pentax alternative.


Nicola's Apartments, Kassiopi, Corfu

Some cameras, some lenses, some bits 'n' bobs
Posted 15/09/2012 - 00:03 Link
If you want a upgraded zoom in the same range as the kit lens it almost has to be thr Tamron 17-50mm 2.8...

Only reason I sold mine is that I prefer primes, and wanted a K5...

Cracking lens
Pentax K5- Vivitar 19mm 3.8; FA35mm f2; D-Xenon 100mm macro f2.8; DA50-200mm WR...
Yongnuo YN-560; Vivitar 285HV; Cactus V4 triggers...
Pentax-MX & M50mm f1.4; Spottie & 55mm f1.8; MG & M40mm 2.8...
Posted 15/09/2012 - 08:58 Link
My vote goes to the DA 17-70.
Second place would be Tamron 17-50. Probably sharper than the 17-70 to be honest but the Pentax's extra reach at the long end is a winner for me.
Sigma also do a reasonably priced 17-70 which is worth a look too.
Depends on your needs/wants and budget really.
.........all the gear, no idea!
Me super, MX, LX, K5,DA 18-55WR, DA 17-70, DA 55-300, DA40 Ltd, FA50 1.4, Samsung D-Xenon 12-24,Samsung 100mm macro M50 1.7(x3), M28 3.5, M35 2.8, M100macro f4, M135 3.5(+others)
Posted 15/09/2012 - 09:29 Link
Budget is very tight - £150 max maybe £200 if it was a complete bargain !
Posted 15/09/2012 - 09:39 Link
Have a look here:


He is also selling a 16-45
Posted 15/09/2012 - 15:03 - Helpful Comment Link
The Samsung version was linked here a while ago, I think Micro Ankiva were offloading some stock (is it discontinued)? I thought about it, and the reviews I checked showed no difference in performance between the Samsung and Pentax versions.

It looked an absolute bargain new at £149! If you have the 2nd generation WR 18-55 then personally I'd keep this, it is underrated, and use it as a backup / 2nd lens for another body, and go for the Samsung new. It is a good feeling to get a new lens for a bargain price.
My Guides to the Pentax Digital Camera Flash Lighting System : Download here from the PentaxForums Homepage Article .... link
Pentax K7 with BG-4 Grip / Samyang 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC / DA18-55mm f3.5-5.6 AL WR / SMC A28mm f2.8 / D FA 28-105mm / SMC F35-70 f3.5-4.5 / SMC A50mm f1.7 / Tamron AF70-300mm f4-5.6 Di LD macro / SMC M75-150mm f4.0 / Tamron Adaptall (CT-135) 135mm f2.8 / Asahi Takumar-A 2X tele-converter / Pentax AF-540FGZ (I & II) Flashes / Cactus RF60/X Flashes & V6/V6II Transceiver
Posted 15/09/2012 - 18:35 Link
thanks i've just got the basic DAL version which is weather protected.

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