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Forum Searches

Posted 19/03/2017 - 11:47 Link
Could someone please advise how to search for something like f1.2 on the forum. When I try this the stop is removed and the search ends up being for f12 so I can't find what I'm looking for! Thanks.
John K
Posted 19/03/2017 - 13:14 Link
You need a certain number of characters for a search and also a clear search description. f1.2 should of course be f/1.2 but "f/1.2 lens" might be better. Possibly "1:1.2 Lens"

I haven't tried all the options, but work around it and see what works.
Best regards, John
Posted 19/03/2017 - 13:56 Link
Thanks John. The "1:1.2 Lens" actually searches for "112 Lens". Again punctuation gets stripped so a search is not possible. A partial workaround I've found is to let Google do the work instead providing it has it in its cache as that doesn't strip : & . etc.
John K

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