dreaming again..
Let me be a bit more specific about what I know up to this point. We're not stating anything relating to the Q branding.
That there may very well be a follow up to the mirrorless K-01, with a considerably better sensor - perhaps even better than the existing K3 sensor. Add on hardware could offer the possibility of a type of viewfinder. The camera would basically be a mirrorless version of the K3; focusing abilities and all.
Some industry insiders are also not mixing words by stating that (outside of items such as the medium format line) that Pentax/Ricoh are still placing considerable weight (and money) into the options of a full frame digital; at a rather interesting price point
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6213 posts
19 years
Winterpeg Manitoba Canada
warning, samsung nx-1 link
or a similarly spec'd 645z version with 6 or 8 k video BEFORE RED releases a d-slr below the 645's price range...