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Copyright issues

Posted 24/04/2007 - 16:17 Link
Does anyone know where the responsibility lies in an instance of copyright infringement? I discovered this morning that a regional body has used a picture of mine on a promotional PDF. Are they therefore automatically culpable, or might I need to chase whoever provided them with the image (I've a fair idea, as I signed a single use permission form to let the Arts Council use a couple of pictures last year - it seems they've been a little bit lax...)?

Any help on this much appreciated,

Posted 24/04/2007 - 16:58 Link
I don't know about the legal aspects, but I would write to the people who published, point out the infringement and send them a suitable invoice for the useage.

How they responded would dictate the next move.
Best regards, John
Posted 24/04/2007 - 17:47 Link
jps wrote:
Are they therefore automatically culpable

George Lazarette
Posted 24/04/2007 - 18:02 Link
stevo wrote:
jps wrote:
Are they therefore automatically culpable


Not culpable, if they did it innocently.

But they're still liable to pay.

Keywords: Charming, polite, and generally agreeable.
Posted 25/04/2007 - 11:59 Link
Thanks for the replies - looks like I may have to do a little bit of chasing & invoicing!


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