Choices choices - keep old kit 'just in case', or sell on?
Posted 31/08/2018 - 13:55
Depends where you intend selling the kit to be honest.
If on here then I tend to look at Ebay to find an average sale price and then go for there (allowing for a bit of wriggle room due to lack of fees, ease of transaction etc). Trouble with past sale prices on a forum is that sometimes a seller will make a guess and value their item at a low price (for instance a DA* 300mm f/4 recently) and then prospective buyers who saw it will remember that and expect to pay the same.
If on here then I tend to look at Ebay to find an average sale price and then go for there (allowing for a bit of wriggle room due to lack of fees, ease of transaction etc). Trouble with past sale prices on a forum is that sometimes a seller will make a guess and value their item at a low price (for instance a DA* 300mm f/4 recently) and then prospective buyers who saw it will remember that and expect to pay the same.
Posted 31/08/2018 - 18:12
Ebay can be a far bit lower than other retailers
I have sold a lot of stuff through ffordes in the past. They tend to get things sold pretty quick
A good condition mx body might fetch between 89-99 gbp at a guess. They'd take 20 percent of that.
How battered is the 645? Been on my wish list for a whole but at the prices they are I might need to compromise on condition.. .
I have sold a lot of stuff through ffordes in the past. They tend to get things sold pretty quick
A good condition mx body might fetch between 89-99 gbp at a guess. They'd take 20 percent of that.
How battered is the 645? Been on my wish list for a whole but at the prices they are I might need to compromise on condition.. .
Posted 08/10/2018 - 22:12
Others have given good advice about selling so I'll not repeat it. Rather than that I'll just say you are not alone in in finding it hard to get rid of stuff. But then again, you "never" know when you might want it again.
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326 posts
20 years
We moved to Scotland about a year ago, but rent our house out in the south west where I've stored a load of photo kit up in the loft.
I'm an inveterate hoarder so haven't really sold much of my unused kit (There are MXs, a full darkroom and a battered 645 in there!), but having noticed that I'm not really missing the stuff I left behind - and that camera technology is continually pushing on - I was wondering if the time might not be right to sell some on.
This would also have the pleasing outcome that someone else can get good use of the kit before it becomes completely obsolete.
I had thought I'd keep the equipment as spares in case of damage to my main equipment, but as it's 400+ miles away it doesn't really make great sense when I could pop onto here or online retailers and pick up a spare if required. (I didn't really think it through when we were moving!)
What would help my decision is some thoughts on likely guide prices, as I'd be keen to figure out how much I have 'invested' in boxes in a loft in England before making a specific trip to reclaim it all. Is the general approach to pricing on the forum to look at ebay, or one of the on-line retailers' second-hand prices and discount?
As an aside, does anyone else have a debilitating inability to get rid of their old stuff? It's never served me well, as I thought I'd keep stuff for contingency but can never find it again/forgot I'd actually owned it when the time came. I found a spare expansion tank and set of bumper mounting brackets for a Golf Gti in my garage, a car I sold 10 years ago.