On a down note, my own stock of aquilegias has been severely reduced as many have been killed by aquilegia downy mildew, an affliction that has only been reported in the UK for 5 years or so....I am potting up seedlings hoping to find a combination of plant/location that allow these lovely cottage garden perennials to thrive again.
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1547 posts
14 years
All K5, 100mm. D FA Macro.
Tripod, 2 sec. delay.
1: 1/13 @ f18. Cropped JPEG
2: !/25 @ F16, RAW, Elements 11, cropped JPEG
3: 1/15 @ f11, Stack of 12 in Combine ZP, Elements 11, cropped JPEG.
4: 1/25 @ f11, Stack of 10 in Combine ZP, elements 11, cropped JPEG.
Any C&C most welcome.
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