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Aperture (RIP!)

Posted 01/12/2016 - 18:10 Link
For a number of years I used Aperture to conduct post production work on consecutive iMacs. Not the most comprehensive application but I became quite comfortable with what it had to offer. A few days ago I was obliged to perform a clean install of the operating system which meant, bearing in mind that Apple had ceased production and support of Aperture, that I would need to re-install the application. Needless to say the software was now incompatible with the present day OS and it failed to install although there was an override button to force installation but it could affect the operation of the system! Now, to get to the point, are there other former Aperture users out there who have had to transfer to another application, ideally one that offers features similar to Aperture and doesn't involve me obtaining a mortgage to affect a purchase! The one feature that I really valued was being able to store my photos in a library within the application but online searching hasn't come up with anything that permits that. Does anyone know something that I don't know? All suggestions appreciated.

Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be dared and tried! (Bill Brandt)
Posted 01/12/2016 - 18:23 Link
doesn't photo shop elements do this in the organiser?

Pentax K3 gripped,and some lenses

my pbase gallery
Posted 01/12/2016 - 18:32 Link
Hi, As a Windows User i'm still waiting for it to get out of beta but Affinity Photo for Mac (new Serif replacement) states... link

'Media Browser Add your favourite folders to quickly access assets
Browse your Photos and Aperture libraries'
Posted 01/12/2016 - 18:54 Link
No idea if it's any good, but supposedly closest to the original and around 8USD a month, so somewhat less then Lightroom/Photoshop combo. - link. And more about it here - link
That said, Adobe has a migration plugin that allows you to import your Aperture Library and turn them into Adobe's catalogs somehow - for 8.5GBP a month you get both programs, and given that Googgle's Nik Collection is now free, a fantastic set with custom plugins. Trial of Adobe Creative cloud is fully functional for 30 days - no restrictions; not sure about Mylio.
' remembers little things, long after you have forgotten....' (Aaron Siskind)
Edited by Mag07: 01/12/2016 - 18:59
Posted 01/12/2016 - 20:19 Link

I was an aperture user and really liked the program . I ended up just importing my originals into Lightroom. I do like Lightroom very much. It may be worth doing the 30 day trial. If you like it you can pay a monthly fee for the latest version. Have a look online at adobe.
K3, K50

Only doin' it for fun
Posted 01/12/2016 - 20:54 Link
I have been using Aperture for years, ok maybe these days not the most up to date app out there, but I like what it did.

For me it did the basic stuff - imported my RAW PEF's - allowed me the basic manipulation I wanted, crop, levels and sharpness.

But most important, I liked the way it could catalogue, store and arrange my images.

Couldn't be without it, it still runs on my iMac with El Capitan version 10.11.6 - the iMac is too old to run Sierra, but I do have a MacBook Pro running Sierra, the latest OSX, and it still runs Aperture and works well.

Aperture is a memory and power hog and will run your fans at max if you are doing a lot with it, but I'm still reluctant to let it go.

Not sure why it won't install for you, maybe just a warning about the memory and power use, but that is only while you use it.

I have started experimenting with some of the Macphun software, and I do like it, but I keep coming back to Aperture because of the way it stores my images within the app, although the Macphun stuff has plug-in's that work great with Aperture.

This was initially processed in Aperture, then I went way over the top using software from Macphun, not to everyone's taste, but you can reign it in

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Kirkwall Hotel, Orkney Islands, Scotland

Posted 01/12/2016 - 21:14 Link
Photoshop Elements has an organiser which allows for folders, tags etc. It also supports Nik, and other add ons like Topaz.
Posted 01/12/2016 - 21:32 Link
Sadly cannot comment on Aperture but there is darktable available for the mac, it is free so may be worth a look
Pint o' rough & a game o' darts anyone
Posted 01/12/2016 - 22:35 Link
Many thanks for the suggestions folks! I'l start investigating them.

Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be dared and tried! (Bill Brandt)

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