100mm M42 Lenses
Posted 06/03/2022 - 00:05 - Helpful Comment
The meyer is a lot easier to focus than the Pentax but that shouldn't be a problem with what you will be doing. You can play with the aperture using the Meyer and see in real time what is happening. You need to use the on off switch to check depth of field with a Pentax. Being intended for macro, the Pentax is a bit clinically perfect whereas the Meyer has character. The Meyer has about 15 blades that produce a perfect circle vs the Pentax's 6 and they open to f2.8 vs f4. I note you do a lot of car chasing and suchlike that might entail fast changes of aperture - the Meyer doesn't like its iris being whipped from one end to the other and you stand a high risk of damaging it. Those blades are delicate by comparison to the steel plates in a Pentax. You have to treat all Meyers with care.
I love my Meyer lenses and admit to being completely biassed! You could also try the Takumar and/or Soligor 105mm too.
I love my Meyer lenses and admit to being completely biassed! You could also try the Takumar and/or Soligor 105mm too.
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6912 posts
16 years
Co. Durham UK
Has anyone ever used the Meyer-Optik Orestor/Pentagon 100mm f2.8, to compare them with the Takumar 100mm f4 macro
I'd like to use them on a converted K20 with Katzeye screen.