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Weekly Competition #305 - The heat Competition

Title Weekly Competition #305 - The heat
Judge gartmore
Closing Date 19/05/2013
No clue how it is at your place, but here in Southern Germany it is far to cold at the moment. Hence, I would love to look at some pictures, that show heat in form of hot air temperature. I really mean hot air temperature (so not something like hot clothes or a glowing exhaust pipe of a motorbike).
Pictures that show the air shimmering in the heat, people who are sweaty or even suffering because they are working in the heat or just are out.... a bit like in these TV adverts for products like an ice-cold Coca Cola. I hope your pictures help me/us a bit to compensate the low temperatures we have right now
The voting criteria are:
- Photographic quality
- Level of heat
- Creativity

Standard Pentax competition rules apply.

Winning Photograph

Competition Entries

Photographs uploaded to the Weekly Competition #305 - The heat competition.

Posted 19/05/2013 - 08:09 Link
Hi guys
I have a bad news - we were on our holiday trip and in the first night, someone broke into my caravan while we, my partner and three kids were sleeping in. They have stolen 5 laptops, 4 cameras and 2 external hard discs - in total 10.000 euro value. I not just lost my complete camera equpment but all my 65000 pictures and backup of pictures. It will take a long time until i can be a photographer again - i dont even have a computer anymore to look at your pics properly. I cant finish this competition - sorry for that. Only good news, we are all alright - we just lost things, our southern France holiday and the trust in people

Colors are the lack of darkness

You find more of my pictures here: or on my web page:
Posted 19/05/2013 - 13:36 Link
Saw your comment as I was entering.

Sorry to hear about the loss - glad to hear you are OK.

A faint chance but make sure all Pentax user sites in UK, France, Germany are aware and list S.No too.
Posted 19/05/2013 - 16:14 Link
Sorry Axel, I really feel for you and your family.
Posted 19/05/2013 - 18:27 Link
Terrible news Axel, if your out there, my best wishes.
Pentax pour des images riches en détails!
Posted 19/05/2013 - 20:03 Link
That is terrible news Axel. I am truly gutted for you especially considering the quality of your work.

If it would be of any help I have an IR converted K20d that isn't doing very much. I could send it to you until you get yourself sorted
Posted 19/05/2013 - 20:10 Link
Very sorry to hear your news Axel, I can only hope some of your equipment is recovered.

Posted 19/05/2013 - 21:11 Link
A real tragedy for you and all of us, Axel. Maybe a Gendarme can try tracing the culprits and keep the hope alive of recovering your gear. Our local police always exhort us to mark our possessions with smartwater. Good luck with any investigations.
... the best lack all conviction, while the worst
are full of passionate intensity.
W.B Yeats

Edited by Perspicador: 19/05/2013 - 21:13
Posted 19/05/2013 - 21:39 Link
Axel I'm a newbie to the website but like everyone else I am absolutely gutted for you. Just glad that all of you are unharmed. Take Care.
Posted 20/05/2013 - 07:30 Link
I don't imagine words will provide a great deal of comfort, Axel, but I'd like to add my sympathies to the list. I hope it isn't too long before you are able to resume your art.

Viel Glück.
Dr. Mhuni
Posted 20/05/2013 - 11:33 Link
Very sorry indeed to hear you news, Axel.

Posted 20/05/2013 - 15:14 Link
I'm glad that you are all ok and I'm really sorry to hear about this. I will keep an eye open on French forums and classified sites just in case.
Posted 20/05/2013 - 15:25 Link
Very bad news indeed, quite a shcok and a ruined holiday as well. Hope any insurance claim is speedy and gets you up and running again soon.

We'll sort the competition soon, so don't worry about that.
Best regards, John
Posted 20/05/2013 - 16:10 Link
Hi guys
Just returned back home after three days non-stop driving. I was really overwhelmed by your feedback - thanks for the very warm words and good tips. The lost is not covered by an insurance (only the trailer is ensured) so it will take a while until I have all the things back (starting with a laptop to not have to join the forum via smartphone ) - thanks also for taking care of the competition.
PS - those who see a good offer in ebay or any other forum - the camera bag was filled with a K5, a Pentax 18-135, a Pentax 100 macro, a Sigma 8-16 and a Metz 54 zoom

Colors are the lack of darkness

You find more of my pictures here: or on my web page:
Posted 20/05/2013 - 18:34 Link
I will judge the competition tonight and post the results tomorrow
“We must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson -
Posted 20/05/2013 - 20:02 Link
Axel - I have just logged on to look at the competition and was so very sorry to hear your news. Your images have given me, and I'm sure many others, much pleasure to view. I hope we will be seeing new ones from you in the not too distant future.
Kind regards, Gary
Posted 20/05/2013 - 20:32 Link
Sorry to hear your bad news, but glad you and your family are ok.
Lets hope you get some if not all your gear back and they catch the thieving B*****d's.

Posted 20/05/2013 - 21:59 Link
Glad you and your family are OK!
That is the main thing...
cameras can be replaced...
but the memories contained in those pix will now be just memories...
feel for you! Don't know how I'd handle losing my store of pix...
perhaps there is a use for the Cloud after all?? ::

Hope you can find a good second-hand Pentax at a reasonable / affordable price very soon and perhaps we should all be looking out for Pentax gear on both ebay and, seeing as they were stolen in France... Le Bon Coin!!

But try not to buy anything for ourselves...
Never be afraid to talk about your techniques...
"Give a thousand photographers...
the same camera, lens and scene...
and you'll always get a thousand different takes!!"
Edited by drofmit: 20/05/2013 - 22:14
Posted 21/05/2013 - 09:41 Link
I only just saw your message here, Axel, I am really sorry to hear about this. I hope that the police find your gear and catch the thieves. Do you have the serial numbers of all the equipment? I hope you are back taking pics soon.
Posted 21/05/2013 - 09:41 Link
drofmit wrote:
Glad you and your family are OK!
That is the main thing...
cameras can be replaced...
but the memories contained in those pix will now be just memories...
feel for you! Don't know how I'd handle losing my store of pix...
perhaps there is a use for the Cloud after all?? ::

Hope you can find a good second-hand Pentax at a reasonable / affordable price very soon and perhaps we should all be looking out for Pentax gear on both ebay and, seeing as they were stolen in France... Le Bon Coin!!

But try not to buy anything for ourselves...

Thanks - btw - for funny reasons I started to label lots of my gear with my own little symbol (three orange dots) - so when you see an offer with three orange dots on the flash hood - THAT's MINE
I will also check ebay and I already saw, that the K5ii is now offered for 1190 Euro with a 100 Euro cashback - I once paid 1500 for the K5 with 18-135 so at least the loss is not as big as expected.

Colors are the lack of darkness

You find more of my pictures here: or on my web page:
Posted 21/05/2013 - 13:40 Link
Axel-sorry! let this be the biggest nuisance in your life!
PENTAX K-3, PENTAX K-30,PENTAX K-5, PENTAX K 20D,Pentax FA*250-600 5.6, Pentax DA*200 2.8, Pentax A 50 1.7, Pentax 10-17 3.5-4.5 Fish Eye, Pentax A 100 4 Macro, Pentax FA 77 1.8 Limited,Pentax DA*50-135 2.8,Pentax FA*400 5.6,Sigma 30 1.4,Sigma 10-20 4-5.6, Sigma 18-50 2.8 DC EX, Helios 40 1.5, Tair-3s 300 4.5, Mir-10A 3.528, Mir-20N 3.5/20, tc Sigma 2x EX DG, Flash Sigma EF-530 DG ST
Posted 21/05/2013 - 16:12 Link
Sorry about the delay in posting the results and my lack of comments, we had to get IT to pull some strings and push some switches to allow me to take over and I think it is better not to spend anymore time and prevent next weeks competition getting off the ground, so...

1st The Blacksmith, guy

2nd Downtown Doha, Aliengrove

3rd equal White Heat, John Riley

3rd equal Sun Worship, paulb531

Over to you, guy
“We must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson -
Posted 21/05/2013 - 17:31 Link
Axel, really sorry to hear about your stuff, some people are the lowest of the low!
Hope you can get things sorted soon!

"I'm here because the whiskey is free" - Tyla

PPG link
Flickr link
Posted 21/05/2013 - 17:33 Link
Many thanks to Ken for stepping in to see to the competition.

Axel, we'll welcome you back very soon hopefully.

And well done all the winners!
Best regards, John
Posted 21/05/2013 - 17:48 Link
How sickening it is to read this Axel, feel for your loss. too horrible for words. Not being insured makes it even more painful. Like others here, have had such pleasure out of your talent and skills, and a sad loss for us all. Count the blessings as the old saying goes-the family are all OK. Hopefully it will not be too long before we see you active here again.
Gonna give my K200D another special hug!

Congrat to Guy, Aliengrove, John Riley, and Paulb531.
Posted 21/05/2013 - 18:56 Link
I feel for Axel - how sickening. I was robbed on holiday many years ago and now I am paranoid about leaving stuff about the holiday appartment.

Well done to the guy who stepped in to judge.
Posted 21/05/2013 - 19:01 Link
Congratulations, guy, a great winning shot. Thanks for the second place, Ken, and congrats to the joint third places.

Axel, I hope we see you back soon, what a total bummer.
Posted 21/05/2013 - 21:31 Link
paulb531 wrote:
I feel for Axel - how sickening. I was robbed on holiday many years ago and now I am paranoid about leaving stuff about the holiday appartment.

Me too. Had my whole gadget bag stolen from Bath Youth Hostel. Fortunately I had a second ME with me packed elsewhere so managed to carry on, albeit somewhat depleted. Biggest loss was my fantastic K 20mm, the M version I replaced it with never seemed so good somehow.

Axel, feel sure you'll be back up and running very soon.

John K
John K
Edited by JAK: 21/05/2013 - 21:32
Posted 21/05/2013 - 22:02 Link
Hi Axel sorry about your loss what site were you on as we go quite often to France in our motorhome and it might be worth avoiding it.
Posted 21/05/2013 - 22:20 Link

Glad to hear you and your family are safe and thanks for the win.
Best wishes

Posted 21/05/2013 - 23:28 Link
Hi Ken
thanks for stepping in - I can only judge from what I see on my Smartphone but I can imagine I would have judged the same way
@geordie - it was the last rest stop before Béziers - although the Police told us, that this happens almost everywhere in Southern France Close to the Spanish border at the Moment....

Hey - I am already trying to find the budget for the K5ii and until then I will reactivate my good old K20 with the even older and less better 18-250 - might just need a few days before I really start shooting again - not in the mood at the moment

Colors are the lack of darkness

You find more of my pictures here: or on my web page:
Posted 26/05/2013 - 17:24 Link
I really feel bad for you Axel, so sorry for the loss of all your equipment and pictures but thank god you and your family are safe

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