Weekly #500 - Auto-portrait (Self Portrait) Competition
Title | Weekly #500 - Auto-portrait (Self Portrait) |
Judge | Mag07 | Closing Date | 12/02/2017 |
Description | It is my privilege to announce the subject of the 500th weekly Pentax User competition - Auto-portrait or self-portrait. Not all of us may be comfortable revealing their identity on a public forum, however, that shouldn't stop anyone from participating. There are many creative ways to express who you are without necessarily showing us your face, although I am hoping to see some! As this is a milestone competition, I have been informed that there is a prize for the winner. As always, I am looking forward to great entries. The usual weekly competition rules apply. If in doubt, please have a quick read here - link More info about the milestone in the article under this link. Thank you! |
Winning Photograph
Competition Entries
Photographs uploaded to the Weekly #500 - Auto-portrait (Self Portrait) competition.
Posted 06/02/2017 - 13:17
I am but I am perfectly happy with it! I'll just stick around till the 600th Thank you for asking though.
'Photography...it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten....' (Aaron Siskind)
Posted 06/02/2017 - 20:06
[quote:3496ace15f="Mag07"]I am but I am perfectly happy with it! I'll just stick around till the 600th Thank you for asking though.[/quote
unless you win 599 lol
unless you win 599 lol
Posted 07/02/2017 - 07:52
If I do I'll just use it as an excuse to treat myself to a little something
'Photography...it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten....' (Aaron Siskind)
Posted 08/02/2017 - 21:16
I am unsure if my photo has loaded correctly.
Posted 09/02/2017 - 08:10
It doesn't appear to have loaded correctly. I can see the thumbnail but no image when I click on it. You should be able to delete that entry and try again or if in doubt, probably getting in touch with the admin is a good idea.
'Photography...it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten....' (Aaron Siskind)
Posted 09/02/2017 - 08:25
I've deleted the entry so please try again. It may be that your image was too small.
Incidentally, please remember everyone that this section should be kept clear until the judge has judged. Discussion about the competition can be held in the appropriate forum thread. Thanks!
Incidentally, please remember everyone that this section should be kept clear until the judge has judged. Discussion about the competition can be held in the appropriate forum thread. Thanks!
Best regards, John
Posted 13/02/2017 - 13:55
The winner hid on the second page confusing me greatly haha. Congratulations.
1. Crazy Man! Nigelk
2. In the Best Blue Peter Tradition. JAK
3. In the Shadows. Simonmac
Honorary mentions go to Forty Year Flashback by Tyronet2000, Coker! by Coker, as well as No oil Painting by Fishbones and Me in Mono by AndrewA.
Congratulations everyone.
1. Crazy Man! Nigelk - I loved the one you posted in the members gallery, the one with the fly. This version is much better. The light, the shadows, the various textures and patterns on your face, hands and jumper; even the hair. Not to mention the mad man's eyes.
Original composition and angle, as if you randomly 'popped by' the frame in the first place.
The One thing that does distract me a bit is the lighter spot in the background, above your head; I'd be tempted to blend it in. That said, the impact of the portrait as a whole is so great, that this is but a minor, rather insignificant detail.
2. Reluctant Portraiture. Perspicador - I like it. Glasses so often get in the way of a portrait, and not in a good way. I am yet to take a close up of myself with a pair on that I would like. Here, the foggy eyes give this image a bit of an unusual flare. The focus is a bit off but that doesn't seem to matter much as I keep on looking at the expression on your face: not only reluctant but almost weary; as if you're thinking: 'what in the heck did she come up with this time?'
3. The Man in the Mirror. TommyT - this would be an interesting shot, if it wasn't for the bars in the foreground. We have the sculptures, the woman in an interesting pose; one can easily imagine a real person sitting near a window like that; the man and his reflection in the mirror, the lady near it that seems to be looking straight at you. Ideally I imagine it in a 1:1 format, with just the three sculptures and the mirror and you, and no bars!
4. Picture of the Author as a Firefighter. I-Berg - Firefighting is must be one of the least appreciated professions in the world. In many countries, it's also poorly paid. I could never quite understand why. How can people that risks their lives for all of us, daily, be so 'invisible' to others at times. Hopefully Australia has a slightly better attitude. Given the context, the photo easily triggers reflection. I do find it quite chaotic, however. My eyes can't settle on any one part and keep on searching for the photographer. You are obviously there, but at the same time, you are somehow 'not present'.
5. I saw Eye and Eye saw Me. Mudge - cool. There is not just you 'in the eye'; there is a whole little scene. People, shadows, building in the background. if you cropped the horse out completely, it would almost look like a fish eye snap. I'd probably try a smaller aperture hoping everything would be in focus. The slight blur in the lower left hand corner, draws the eye away from what is most interesting about the image.
6. Selfie. Kh1234567890 - double selfie in fact. Looks like an interesting scenery behind you. I would crop the photo to portrait mode, leaving only a thin outline of the wall, and focus more on what is behind you. That said, what a place for a mirror! Always handy for a lady.
7. Meeeeeeeee. Wozfromcov - you definitely score some points here for actually taking a photograph of yourself with the camera in hand. Ks2 isn't particularly heavy nevertheless it's always rather awkward having to press the shutter in that position; and not drop the gear The exposure and focus are off by quite a bit.
8. No Oil Painting. Fishbones - intriquing. Would love to hear more about what exactly has been done here. A bit of a tough one to judge without knowing how blended the two are. The effect is definitely eye-catching, a bit of a Joker face. I don't like what happened to the hat - the strip of black between the 'painted' bits looks a bit awkward to me.
9. Me and my little Honda.Vic cross - I love motorcycles. This is a very genuine self portrait. Here I am, here is my bike. No fuss, no doubts. Very nice.
10. Me and Myself , No just I. Theonenadeem. Quirky. I like. Reflections can be boring. You on your own back is quite entertaining. You appear to be giving in under your own weight I would get rid of the date in the corner.
11. On the Edge of the Vortex. Johnriley - an interesting angle. The young men next to you appears to be over the edge already. I like the casually inconspicuous camera in your hand. What was 'the vortex' ?
12. Forty Year Flashback. Tyronet2000 - I was waiting for one. Thank you. Great photo of your younger self; very impressive 'catch' and a lovely smile. An expression very suiting to the description of the photo
13. Me in Mono. AndrewA - I like the expression on your face, even though it actually makes me feel sad. You look thoughtful but troubled. Hoping it's just a pose. Not sure what the cable in the foreground is. Think I would've prefered just a regular portrait without it. That said, it almost makes it seem like you are trapped somewhere. I do like the PP.
14. In the Shadows. Simonmac - I like it. First association I made when I saw the photo was an inscribed triangle. Love the geometry of the shadows, as well as the slightly textured, rough, almost industrial feel to it. Mono suits it very well.
15. Coker! Coker - there is something timeless about black and white portraits. Nowadays we focus on perfection and sharpness so much that we sometimes forget what the essence of a photo is. This is a lovely shot. I do wonder what you are looking at; you don't seem too pleased!
16. In the Best Blue Peter Tradition... JAK - fantastic. Would possible preferred if the hands where in focus to give us a better sense of time scale we are dealing with and without the shadow in the top right hand corner but it's great nevertheless.
17. How not to!! Ken2390 - my head is spinning A high contrast mono would make this creepy! If in doubt, filp it around
18. Double trouble Noelcmn - I definitely see 'triple'. Are you sure it was just one day of madness? I do like the shot. With a slightly different angle, it may have been possible to have more of proper you, and you no 3 without the distracting bit of the vehicle in the foreground.
19. Just Me. Jockey1 – strong. I keep on looking at it, and can't honestly say if I like it or not. I like how your face and hands fill the whole frame; not sure about the strong grip slightly distorting the skin. It would most certainly benefit from the eyes being in focus and while I do like the PP for the most part, the tint of the 'mono' does not really suit the skin. All that said, it definitely draws attention.
20. Hidden Features. Paulb531 – nearly great. Would've loved it if you kep the post processing on a more natural level. The pose, the shadow on the wall and one underneath your rists, the chain and the watch that add a bit of detail to it without really distracting from your face and hands. As for hiding, funny you should say that, I find that the older I get, the less concern I am about how I look; in fact, I may be approaching dangerous levels of self confidence. Nice one.
21. There's a madman in the driving seat! Drofmit – made me smile. I'd be tempted to position myself more in line with the driver's seat. All the dust bits as well as the security sticker slightly distract from the subject.
Thank you all!
1. Crazy Man! Nigelk
2. In the Best Blue Peter Tradition. JAK
3. In the Shadows. Simonmac
Honorary mentions go to Forty Year Flashback by Tyronet2000, Coker! by Coker, as well as No oil Painting by Fishbones and Me in Mono by AndrewA.
Congratulations everyone.
1. Crazy Man! Nigelk - I loved the one you posted in the members gallery, the one with the fly. This version is much better. The light, the shadows, the various textures and patterns on your face, hands and jumper; even the hair. Not to mention the mad man's eyes.
Original composition and angle, as if you randomly 'popped by' the frame in the first place.
The One thing that does distract me a bit is the lighter spot in the background, above your head; I'd be tempted to blend it in. That said, the impact of the portrait as a whole is so great, that this is but a minor, rather insignificant detail.
2. Reluctant Portraiture. Perspicador - I like it. Glasses so often get in the way of a portrait, and not in a good way. I am yet to take a close up of myself with a pair on that I would like. Here, the foggy eyes give this image a bit of an unusual flare. The focus is a bit off but that doesn't seem to matter much as I keep on looking at the expression on your face: not only reluctant but almost weary; as if you're thinking: 'what in the heck did she come up with this time?'
3. The Man in the Mirror. TommyT - this would be an interesting shot, if it wasn't for the bars in the foreground. We have the sculptures, the woman in an interesting pose; one can easily imagine a real person sitting near a window like that; the man and his reflection in the mirror, the lady near it that seems to be looking straight at you. Ideally I imagine it in a 1:1 format, with just the three sculptures and the mirror and you, and no bars!
4. Picture of the Author as a Firefighter. I-Berg - Firefighting is must be one of the least appreciated professions in the world. In many countries, it's also poorly paid. I could never quite understand why. How can people that risks their lives for all of us, daily, be so 'invisible' to others at times. Hopefully Australia has a slightly better attitude. Given the context, the photo easily triggers reflection. I do find it quite chaotic, however. My eyes can't settle on any one part and keep on searching for the photographer. You are obviously there, but at the same time, you are somehow 'not present'.
5. I saw Eye and Eye saw Me. Mudge - cool. There is not just you 'in the eye'; there is a whole little scene. People, shadows, building in the background. if you cropped the horse out completely, it would almost look like a fish eye snap. I'd probably try a smaller aperture hoping everything would be in focus. The slight blur in the lower left hand corner, draws the eye away from what is most interesting about the image.
6. Selfie. Kh1234567890 - double selfie in fact. Looks like an interesting scenery behind you. I would crop the photo to portrait mode, leaving only a thin outline of the wall, and focus more on what is behind you. That said, what a place for a mirror! Always handy for a lady.
7. Meeeeeeeee. Wozfromcov - you definitely score some points here for actually taking a photograph of yourself with the camera in hand. Ks2 isn't particularly heavy nevertheless it's always rather awkward having to press the shutter in that position; and not drop the gear The exposure and focus are off by quite a bit.
8. No Oil Painting. Fishbones - intriquing. Would love to hear more about what exactly has been done here. A bit of a tough one to judge without knowing how blended the two are. The effect is definitely eye-catching, a bit of a Joker face. I don't like what happened to the hat - the strip of black between the 'painted' bits looks a bit awkward to me.
9. Me and my little Honda.Vic cross - I love motorcycles. This is a very genuine self portrait. Here I am, here is my bike. No fuss, no doubts. Very nice.
10. Me and Myself , No just I. Theonenadeem. Quirky. I like. Reflections can be boring. You on your own back is quite entertaining. You appear to be giving in under your own weight I would get rid of the date in the corner.
11. On the Edge of the Vortex. Johnriley - an interesting angle. The young men next to you appears to be over the edge already. I like the casually inconspicuous camera in your hand. What was 'the vortex' ?
12. Forty Year Flashback. Tyronet2000 - I was waiting for one. Thank you. Great photo of your younger self; very impressive 'catch' and a lovely smile. An expression very suiting to the description of the photo
13. Me in Mono. AndrewA - I like the expression on your face, even though it actually makes me feel sad. You look thoughtful but troubled. Hoping it's just a pose. Not sure what the cable in the foreground is. Think I would've prefered just a regular portrait without it. That said, it almost makes it seem like you are trapped somewhere. I do like the PP.
14. In the Shadows. Simonmac - I like it. First association I made when I saw the photo was an inscribed triangle. Love the geometry of the shadows, as well as the slightly textured, rough, almost industrial feel to it. Mono suits it very well.
15. Coker! Coker - there is something timeless about black and white portraits. Nowadays we focus on perfection and sharpness so much that we sometimes forget what the essence of a photo is. This is a lovely shot. I do wonder what you are looking at; you don't seem too pleased!
16. In the Best Blue Peter Tradition... JAK - fantastic. Would possible preferred if the hands where in focus to give us a better sense of time scale we are dealing with and without the shadow in the top right hand corner but it's great nevertheless.
17. How not to!! Ken2390 - my head is spinning A high contrast mono would make this creepy! If in doubt, filp it around
18. Double trouble Noelcmn - I definitely see 'triple'. Are you sure it was just one day of madness? I do like the shot. With a slightly different angle, it may have been possible to have more of proper you, and you no 3 without the distracting bit of the vehicle in the foreground.
19. Just Me. Jockey1 – strong. I keep on looking at it, and can't honestly say if I like it or not. I like how your face and hands fill the whole frame; not sure about the strong grip slightly distorting the skin. It would most certainly benefit from the eyes being in focus and while I do like the PP for the most part, the tint of the 'mono' does not really suit the skin. All that said, it definitely draws attention.
20. Hidden Features. Paulb531 – nearly great. Would've loved it if you kep the post processing on a more natural level. The pose, the shadow on the wall and one underneath your rists, the chain and the watch that add a bit of detail to it without really distracting from your face and hands. As for hiding, funny you should say that, I find that the older I get, the less concern I am about how I look; in fact, I may be approaching dangerous levels of self confidence. Nice one.
21. There's a madman in the driving seat! Drofmit – made me smile. I'd be tempted to position myself more in line with the driver's seat. All the dust bits as well as the security sticker slightly distract from the subject.
Thank you all!
Posted 13/02/2017 - 14:09
That was an interesting competition with some great photos. I really didn't know what to enter but thought I should so conjured up something in the last few hours. Flabbergasted it made second place, thanks. Have to congratulate NigelK on his win, brave chap! Simonmac's In the Shadows caught my eye too and I wondered why I didn't think of something like that too! a more incognito approach! Danger Man lurking in the shadows. Also congrats the the HCs. I've worked out why Perspicador is so keen on bird photos, He bears more than a passing resemblance to Bill Oddie a fellow bird enthusiast.
Glad I didn't have to judge that lot, looked a really tricky task so well done Mag07 for doing just that.
Glad I didn't have to judge that lot, looked a really tricky task so well done Mag07 for doing just that.
John K
Posted 13/02/2017 - 15:33
What a handsome bunch we are!
Thank you Magdalena, I'm genuinely flattered to have won this weeks competition with so many excellent and interesting entries.
Please do all enter this weeks "Old" competition which has now gone live.
Thank you Magdalena, I'm genuinely flattered to have won this weeks competition with so many excellent and interesting entries.
Please do all enter this weeks "Old" competition which has now gone live.
Posted 13/02/2017 - 15:39
Many congratulations to Nigelk on his win! Also of course to Magdalena for her splendid judging, all nice and prompt as well.
Well, with 500 competitions completed, onwards and upward we go!
I will make arrangements for the prizes to go to Nigelk with all due despatch!
Well, with 500 competitions completed, onwards and upward we go!
I will make arrangements for the prizes to go to Nigelk with all due despatch!
Best regards, John
Posted 13/02/2017 - 15:41
johnriley wrote:
Many congratulations to Nigelk on his win! Also of course to Magdalena for her splendid judging, all nice and prompt as well.
Well, with 500 competitions completed, onwards and upward we go!
I will make arrangements for the prizes to go to Nigelk with all due despatch!
Many congratulations to Nigelk on his win! Also of course to Magdalena for her splendid judging, all nice and prompt as well.
Well, with 500 competitions completed, onwards and upward we go!
I will make arrangements for the prizes to go to Nigelk with all due despatch!
Posted 13/02/2017 - 17:11
Fantastic winning shot, like the PP on that one, and amazing details you got there! Congrats Nigelk. And extended to JAK and Simonmac, and the HC's Tyronet2000, Coker, Fishbones and AndrewA. That must have been a tough one to judge, so many fine images and interpretations. Thanks due to Mag07 for the challenge, judging and commenting. Much appreciated as always.
Posted 13/02/2017 - 17:16
Well done Nigelk. Sorry, didn't realise mine was similar to yours. First comp I've entered here. Didn't realise we got feedback. Thanks Mag07, critique taken on board.
Posted 13/02/2017 - 18:49
Thank you so much for the competition and the judging Magdalena.
Chuffed to get third spot. Great Winner, runner up and HCs.
Even better to put a face to so many familiar names!
Chuffed to get third spot. Great Winner, runner up and HCs.
Even better to put a face to so many familiar names!
Posted 13/02/2017 - 18:51
Congratulations to Nigel superb winning effort. Well done to Magdalena a good competition and excellent feedback. You are right - I should have been brave instead of hiding behind a lot of post processing. One day I will post the photo I should have done that my wife hated.
Posted 13/02/2017 - 20:08
Just got home to see the results of the competition and was pleased to see my personal favourite picked as the winner. My thanks to Magdalena for the thought and effort she put into the judging of each members image. Although putting forward an image of myself took me out of my comfort zone it was great fun to be part of the competition and I imagine it was similar for others, so a big well done to all the members that entered and congratulations to NigelK a justifiable winner
“Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.” – Ansel Adams
Posted 14/02/2017 - 05:32
Thank you Mag - good comp that!
Congrats to Nigel and the placegetters, and to the HMs.
Congrats to Nigel and the placegetters, and to the HMs.
Posted 14/02/2017 - 09:51
Cheers everyone. Lets make sure Nigel has as many or more entries to judge 😁. There is also the rather interesting monthly competition to enter.
'Photography...it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten....' (Aaron Siskind)
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