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Weekly Competition Rules & Guidance

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Posted 25/02/2008 - 14:53 Link
Each competition is started in a new thread and entries are posted in the thread. The competitions end at Midnight (UK time) on Sunday. The winner sets the new competition in a new thread as soon as possible and then judges the results after the closing time.

Please only give a title and at the most brief details. No discussion about the images - a separate thread usually starts in the General Digital Photography section for any discussion.

When you have posted your image please leave it there and don't change it. It would be a little unfair to keep changing an image in the light of other entries.

Images should be an adequate size to display properly, about 1000 pixels on the longest side seems to work well.

Images should be all your own work.

No prizes, but think of the Kudos and above all have fun.

Revision 25 07 2008: Now that we have a Competition in the Gallery section, future weekly competitions are held there. Go to Gallery>Competitions and follow the instructions. All rules, such as they are, continue, but the size limitation is no longer necessary. Have fun!

The discussion thread on the competitions is now started in the "Competitions" forum. Please don't post comments in the actual competitions area until the judge has judged. After that, comment away! Likewise, after entries start to come in the judge should answer no more questions in the discussion thread. It would be unfair for further clarification to be made after anyone had already committed to their entry.

Revision 15 06 2010: Obsolete wording deleted to avoid confusion now that the competition is held in the Gallery>Competitions section.
Best regards, John
Edited by johnriley: 16/01/2016 - 10:57