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Posted 08/05/2009 - 18:55
hi matt,
sorry 4 delay, i don't look on the site as much as i should, how did i do it? stitched 4 vertical shots of baker st tube stn 4 background then added gandolf from another pic from south bank. a bit of v. careful dodge+burn+blur to blend him in.
glad u like it
no borders
sorry 4 delay, i don't look on the site as much as i should, how did i do it? stitched 4 vertical shots of baker st tube stn 4 background then added gandolf from another pic from south bank. a bit of v. careful dodge+burn+blur to blend him in.
glad u like it
no borders
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2 posts
15 years
forest of dean
Found u at last!
Love tree+girls
off to work now so no time, then in London, speak when back.