Wild oats
by davidwozhere
It points up an interesting situation with regard to AI -- it is not fictitious nor generated by the machine; it holds true to the original but it has a lot of new pixels in there. Where is the boundary between an AI's fake and an AI's assistance?
I think the difference between the two AIs, David, is the word "assistance".... to me, it is another photography tool like dodge and burn and blur.... all, when I started, physical techniques.... my paddle and chunks of card for dodge and burn and my piece of clear plastic for blurring. The photo is still the original....
AI's "fake", however.... is a grey area... Ansell Adams stated that he often used to use a form of "regenerative fill"... he physically moved developed gelatine from one photo to another to improve/replace items that were "wrong" in his mental picture of the final plate.... now we use Photoshop.... and Photoshop's regenerative fill looks at your picture around the item you want to remove and uses that to fill in what you select as the area to be replaced. So, much like Ansell Adams shifting sliced off trees and bushes from one plate, to replace an eyesore in the better picture.
However, when they used "placing a tiger in the library" as their own advert originally, I baulked at that.... whose tiger was it... and it was unreal in a surrealist fashion... that takes the "photo" into the realms of Adobe Illustrator and creates art... but phot-graphy is art... the very word means "painting with light".... so we enter the world of Magritte!!
"Give a thousand photographers...
the same camera, lens and scene...
and you'll always get a thousand different takes!!"
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