

I had the impression to be inside a light box. A polite light with no deep shadows or overexposed areas. Due to an interesting sky rich of roaring clouds. In the far left background it was raining. Heavy rain panning the town of Siena. Colorful foreground caught my eyes. Spring at its best: red, yellow, emerald green, purple. I don’t know what kind of plants I had in front of me but I liked. I gave a chance to a fifty-fifty compo because foreground and background were both interesting. An intriguing middle part of the compo, as well. I choosed a low POV just to enhace and split those two domains. Not sure I shall like it but sometimes it is necessary to break rules. Why to crop part of the sky just to “mimic” rule of thirds?
Camera K20D on tripod. April. Manual. ISO 200. F8. 1/250s. PENTAX zoom: 12-24mm at 12mm. No filters. A few ya when democracy still “reigned” in my Country.
Single file tonemapped in Photomatix: painterly 2. Lighting effects: medium.
Liked by  pauljay
Uploaded08/04/2020 - 12:45
CategoryLandscape / Travel
Shutter Speed1/250
Focal Length12mm

Posted 08/04/2020 - 14:42 Link
I just could not resist doing that! It is a fine picture but what happened to the horizon? Strong leaning to the left
Posted 08/04/2020 - 18:30 Link
sarc wrote:
I just could not resist doing that! It is a fine picture but what happened to the horizon? Strong leaning to the left

Horizon shows same features of a curved coastline (along a lake). Left mountains step away so giving this effect. I have used two different points to keep the horizon of this picture so to keep a steep climb at right (country road and cypresses).
I'll upload tomorrow same picture with a new horizon considering two other different points.

Thank you for you comment: I like your honesty and candor
Edited by GIULIO57: 08/04/2020 - 18:33
Posted 08/04/2020 - 19:26 Link
A scene of contrasts, the upper half being very dramatic while the lower half depicts a gentle spring! Unusually for me I would suggest that the horizon could stay as it is as the undulating background makes it difficult to determine just which way the scene should be rotated! Nice one Giulio!

Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be dared and tried! (Bill Brandt)
Posted 08/04/2020 - 20:01 Link
pauljay wrote:
A scene of contrasts, the upper half being very dramatic while the lower half depicts a gentle spring! Unusually for me I would suggest that the horizon could stay as it is as the undulating background makes it difficult to determine just which way the scene should be rotated! Nice one Giulio!

Thank you Paul.
Undulating background gave a lot of troubles to me. I appreciate both comments above. Honestly speaking I didn't realize that a "strong" leaning to the left lives here.....trying to "fix" this feature I got a new file that I'll upload tomorrow....but it seems to me that horizon slightly goes to right!.....Why? Because Paul is right: undulating.
In both cases I've choosed two landmarks. More difficult to choice 3 points or more: undulating!
Left mountains go away..deep far...perspective changes....their shape decreases in size. This effect makes the impression that horizon turns left.
Posted 09/04/2020 - 15:14 Link
Giulio I take it that you have deleted the fixed horizon along with my comment?
Posted 09/04/2020 - 16:44 Link
sarc wrote:
Giulio I take it that you have deleted the fixed horizon along with my comment?

Picture of the fixed horizon is the next. That is The one I uploaded this morning. (I can upload a pic a day, only).
Picture with "fixed" horizon is still there.

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