Someone I met on a walk.

by davidwozhere

A local farmer puts a heard of calves in the same field every year to fatten them up. They are amazingly gentle since they have never been abused. It's a pity that their inescapable destiny is on a dinner plate.
K1 with a 105mm Trioplan (even though the EXIF says 180 and I have no idea where it got f6.7 from !).
Liked by  davidrobinson Flan
Uploaded14/07/2024 - 23:43
CategoryPets / Captive animals
Shutter Speed1/320
Focal Length180mm

Posted 15/07/2024 - 00:21 Link
I love the earrings, as well as the capture.
We will all have earrings at some point.

"Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow
but soon and for the rest of your life"
Posted 16/07/2024 - 00:11 Link
I always thought it was a little ticket with your ID written on it and tied onto your big toe, although that's perhaps for tomorrow?
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

My page on Photocrowd
Posted 16/07/2024 - 14:04 Link
Beautiful soft colouring
Posted 31/07/2024 - 19:14 Link
You've captured the reason why I became vegetarian! I've always said that cows look better in a field than they do on a plate!
Delightful portrait!

Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be dared and tried! (Bill Brandt)

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