by Mag07
"These places mean something and it's the job of a photographer to figure-out what the hell it is."
Robert Adams
"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE."
Ernst Hass
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I'll be surprised if you can get much better than this!
Afraid you may be right; hope you are wrong...I'll keep on trying! The bridge isn't going anywhere, though it turns out low tide gets in the way, too lol. Funny thing happened the other day. Had my tripod set. Every now and than a person with a camera would pass by, stop, look at my live view, than take a step back....ask if I mind if they take a pic, move on. Easily half a dozen of people did exactly the same thing.
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Slap in the middle of England
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