Object Lessons: Citrus Splash
by Wildwood512
Second photo in a series of three under the Heading: Object Lessons. This series of photos were taken whilst my family & I were stranded in a hotel for a few days due to car trouble while traveling. The first in the series is titled: Lofty Geometrics.
Uploaded24/01/2015 - 06:15
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Posted 25/01/2015 - 10:49
I like that
Posted 25/01/2015 - 15:47
All above with emphasis on Delightful. - Square format, 10 or so noticeable shades of yellow, matched with blue top 1/3rd, red pip exactly at the Psy. point of interest and the rind leading the eye back to the image's center all combine here to produce a note-worthy and pleasing image. Top Shelf.- gallery wall worthy - thanks -- Tg
"It's not what you look at that's important, it's what you see" - Thoreau
Posted 25/01/2015 - 16:42
Thanks everyone! I love the descriptions you all gave of this photo being delightful & colorful as that is EXACTLY what lured me into photographing them! 😊
Cheers...Donna 😊
Posted 25/01/2015 - 23:35
This would make Monet turn back for a second look.
Posted 26/01/2015 - 00:20
davidwozhere wrote:
This would make Monet turn back for a second look.
This would make Monet turn back for a second look.
David, this made me giggle!!!! 😊
Cheers...Donna 😊
Posted 26/01/2015 - 00:23
drobbia wrote:
All above with emphasis on Delightful. - Square format, 10 or so noticeable shades of yellow, matched with blue top 1/3rd, red pip exactly at the Psy. point of interest and the rind leading the eye back to the image's center all combine here to produce a note-worthy and pleasing image. Top Shelf.- gallery wall worthy - thanks -- Tg
All above with emphasis on Delightful. - Square format, 10 or so noticeable shades of yellow, matched with blue top 1/3rd, red pip exactly at the Psy. point of interest and the rind leading the eye back to the image's center all combine here to produce a note-worthy and pleasing image. Top Shelf.- gallery wall worthy - thanks -- Tg
Tony, thanks for the in-depth critique! 😉
Cheers...Donna 😊
Posted 19/05/2020 - 17:08
Your article is awesome! How long does it take to complete this article? I have read through other blogs, but they are cumbersome and confusing. I hope you continue to have such quality articles to share with everyone! I believe there will be many people who share my views when they read this article from you! Try Green Tea Shots also
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