by Weston246
At the beginning there was nothing... which exploded
Wonderful indeed but cannot help feeling sad.
Thanks for commenting Flan, glad you like the image. I too would prefer these fabulous animals to be free and in their natural environment it is sad that they have to exist in captivity. The only thing I can say is that this was taken at Durrells in Jersey and Gerald Durrell was one of the very best advocates for Conservation and Education.
This should be the next POW!!
At the beginning there was nothing... which exploded
The sad thing is... zoo's and safari parks will be the only place where many creatures will only be. Hopefully there is a sufficient population to be able to rebuild wild populations...
This should be the next POW!!
Thanks very much for your comment Spad, it was a hard image to capture, he was high up, behind glass, in semi darkness! I was well pleased with the final image.
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