Kestrel hunting
Driving along a local road I saw this Kestrel hovering fairly close to the roadside. I had my K3iii and DA*300mm in the car with me, so I pulled over. The bird was kind enough to stay long enough for me to get off a few shots.
The light was abysmal, very dull and flat, so I've had to do a lot of recovery of shadows etc.. I'm quite pleased with the result considering the conditions.
Cracking pic. That is super sharp, well done. So sharp I thought you had used AI or something? Topaz, etc.
I used Topaz noise reduction, but not sharpening. In my experience of Denoise, the cleaning up of the image also applies slight sharpening to offset the effects of denoising the image.
My copy of the DA*300 is incredibly sharp - even with the 1.4 t/c. I love the lens.
Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be dared and tried! (Bill Brandt)
A well captured image and a worthy POTW. Apart from the original capture a lot of skill went into processing it.
+1 and re. processing skill - definitely.
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