Apis Mellifera

by go4IT

Uploaded18/07/2022 - 22:05
CategoryWildlife / Nature
Shutter Speed1/250
Focal Length90mm

Posted 18/07/2022 - 23:48 Link
Excellent capture of the Bee loads of detail, can I suggest crop in on the Bee and clone out the distracting flower to the left.
Posted 19/07/2022 - 16:08 Link
David: many thanks for your kind words. Always great to have positive feedback, including suggestions for improvement. As I see it, stuff outside the main subject—in this case the pink flower—does indeed usually need cropping out if it detracts from or attracts undue attention from the subject to itself. Which is why I deliberately chose f/2.8: to make it pink bokeh, which compliments the pink flower on which the bee is feeding. If there was, say, a bright yellow bokeh, I would have cropped it out and/or cloned it out. To my mind, then, the pink flower makes a positive contribution in this case. But of course my position is debatable…I would be interested in hearing from fellow Pentaxians on this subject.
Edited by go4IT: 19/07/2022 - 16:10
Posted 19/07/2022 - 19:52 Link
Super photo and love the render.
Maybe a square crop with only half of the out of focus pink flower
As always its subjective but i like it as is.
Posted 23/07/2022 - 15:31 Link
Very nice. Personally I would keep it as it is.

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